The Art of Relaxation Through Exercise
Relaxation through exercise isn't going to be to everyone's taste, in fact, most people won't even realise that this is a genuine form of relaxation, but for the people who do try it, it not only helps them to relax, it also goes a long way to making them fitter in body and mind.
In this article we'll have a look at some of the reasons people choose relaxation through exercise, then whether this might be a good option for you, and finally we'll take a look at some of the exercises you can do to put a bit of relaxation back into your life.
Why would you choose relaxation through exercise? There are a lot of people who just have to be 'doing something'.
For some reason they can't relax in the conventional sense of the word and find that being on the go actually helps them to relax; strange but true.
For these people sitting down with a good book just gives them the feeling that they aren't doing something that they should be, and that makes them even less relaxed than they might have been.
For a lot of these people it seems to be as much about keeping the body as well as the mind distracted in order for them to get some sort of relaxation.
It doesn't always have to be something strenuous, some people will quite happily go outside and do a bit of gardening so as to relax and feel the stress of the day drift away for a few hours.
Even then they're still managing to find relaxation through exercise.
Is this going to be a good way for you to find relaxation? If you have a busy and stressful life that has a lot of physical labour in it each day, then this might not be what you're looking for.
However, shifting from a work related form of physical labour to something that's a physical, but more pleasurable pursuit, may actually work for you.
If you're stuck behind a desk all day then getting some form of exercise could blow away the cobwebs, and burn up the excess energy that you've had building during the day.
What are some of the exercises we can do to get a bit of well needed relaxation? One good way of getting relaxation through exercise, if you don't mind being part of a group, is to visit a gym three or four times a week.
Ok, you might be thinking that's a bit excessive, and it'll cost you some money, but think of the other benefits.
You can get your resistance training done, as well as taking advantage of some of the aerobics classes, and you'll get fit as well as relaxed.
Gym not your thing? How about walking? You may not get quite the same workout that you'd get from a session at the gym, but walking has its own advantages.
On a nice summer's evening you could just stroll around the streets and look at the flowers in other people's gardens while taking in the fresh air; if you're living in the inner city then you can substitute the flowers and gardens for window-shopping - and maybe expect a little less fresh air.
If you'd prefer to do your relaxing in the comfort of your own home then an exercise DVD may be the answer for you.
Some of the stretching exercises are an excellent way to relax.
Then, of course, there is yoga and Tai Chi.
Both of these will put you through a mild exercise routine and teach you breathing techniques that work wonders when it comes to relaxing.
So what have we discovered about relaxation through exercise? First we've seen that many people can't feel relaxed unless they're physically doing something; we've seen that, even if you've been physically active all day, doing other forms of non work related exercise can still help to relax you.
Last, but not least, we've seen that the exercises that relax can be as varied as regular trips to the gym, or just wandering around your local neighbourhood.
Still feeling stressed after reading that? Then it sounds like you need a bit of relaxation through exercise.
In this article we'll have a look at some of the reasons people choose relaxation through exercise, then whether this might be a good option for you, and finally we'll take a look at some of the exercises you can do to put a bit of relaxation back into your life.
Why would you choose relaxation through exercise? There are a lot of people who just have to be 'doing something'.
For some reason they can't relax in the conventional sense of the word and find that being on the go actually helps them to relax; strange but true.
For these people sitting down with a good book just gives them the feeling that they aren't doing something that they should be, and that makes them even less relaxed than they might have been.
For a lot of these people it seems to be as much about keeping the body as well as the mind distracted in order for them to get some sort of relaxation.
It doesn't always have to be something strenuous, some people will quite happily go outside and do a bit of gardening so as to relax and feel the stress of the day drift away for a few hours.
Even then they're still managing to find relaxation through exercise.
Is this going to be a good way for you to find relaxation? If you have a busy and stressful life that has a lot of physical labour in it each day, then this might not be what you're looking for.
However, shifting from a work related form of physical labour to something that's a physical, but more pleasurable pursuit, may actually work for you.
If you're stuck behind a desk all day then getting some form of exercise could blow away the cobwebs, and burn up the excess energy that you've had building during the day.
What are some of the exercises we can do to get a bit of well needed relaxation? One good way of getting relaxation through exercise, if you don't mind being part of a group, is to visit a gym three or four times a week.
Ok, you might be thinking that's a bit excessive, and it'll cost you some money, but think of the other benefits.
You can get your resistance training done, as well as taking advantage of some of the aerobics classes, and you'll get fit as well as relaxed.
Gym not your thing? How about walking? You may not get quite the same workout that you'd get from a session at the gym, but walking has its own advantages.
On a nice summer's evening you could just stroll around the streets and look at the flowers in other people's gardens while taking in the fresh air; if you're living in the inner city then you can substitute the flowers and gardens for window-shopping - and maybe expect a little less fresh air.
If you'd prefer to do your relaxing in the comfort of your own home then an exercise DVD may be the answer for you.
Some of the stretching exercises are an excellent way to relax.
Then, of course, there is yoga and Tai Chi.
Both of these will put you through a mild exercise routine and teach you breathing techniques that work wonders when it comes to relaxing.
So what have we discovered about relaxation through exercise? First we've seen that many people can't feel relaxed unless they're physically doing something; we've seen that, even if you've been physically active all day, doing other forms of non work related exercise can still help to relax you.
Last, but not least, we've seen that the exercises that relax can be as varied as regular trips to the gym, or just wandering around your local neighbourhood.
Still feeling stressed after reading that? Then it sounds like you need a bit of relaxation through exercise.