Women Carrying Babies and Not Knowing It - All Too Common
Some of you might know a woman who has done this - she has had a baby and was carrying it maybe to full term without ever knowing that she was pregnant.
Some of you might wonder how can this be? However, this is more common than you think.
It's so common that many now watch the television show that TLC has on it's channel where women discuss what happened and how they found out.
Some of the stories are just down right interesting! It's beginning to be something that many hospitals find too often.
This is a problem because women who go through this are putting their fetus at risk.
There are many women who go to the hospital because they are having pains and so on and when they go in, they could be going into early labor.
During pregnancy, a woman should be taking prenatal vitamins as well as abstaining from certain things.
If a woman gets pregnant and doesn't even know she's pregnant, she won't be doing any of this and some of these things could really harm her baby.
This could really harm the mother as well.
What they find in some instances is that a woman is home alone or unable to get to a hospital quickly enough and crowns before paramedics can arrive.
Anything can go wrong with the baby from losing oxygen to the cord being wrapped around its neck.
And it is a medical emergency for the mother.
Many hospitals are buckling down on this - if you come in complaining of abdominal pain or anything that might be pregnancy related, they are testing you now because they hope to help some women find out if they are pregnant so as to help the fetus and the mommy to be if that be the case.
Some of you might wonder how can this be? However, this is more common than you think.
It's so common that many now watch the television show that TLC has on it's channel where women discuss what happened and how they found out.
Some of the stories are just down right interesting! It's beginning to be something that many hospitals find too often.
This is a problem because women who go through this are putting their fetus at risk.
There are many women who go to the hospital because they are having pains and so on and when they go in, they could be going into early labor.
During pregnancy, a woman should be taking prenatal vitamins as well as abstaining from certain things.
If a woman gets pregnant and doesn't even know she's pregnant, she won't be doing any of this and some of these things could really harm her baby.
This could really harm the mother as well.
What they find in some instances is that a woman is home alone or unable to get to a hospital quickly enough and crowns before paramedics can arrive.
Anything can go wrong with the baby from losing oxygen to the cord being wrapped around its neck.
And it is a medical emergency for the mother.
Many hospitals are buckling down on this - if you come in complaining of abdominal pain or anything that might be pregnancy related, they are testing you now because they hope to help some women find out if they are pregnant so as to help the fetus and the mommy to be if that be the case.