Your Wellbeing, Just How Healthy Are You?
The word 'health' itself interestingly enough comes from a German word 'hoelth' that means 'whole.
' So, taking this definition, a state of health is one in which there is a condition of wholeness; where the body is working as a system of interconnected parts that combine and link together.
What Does Health Mean? The word 'disease' comes from two words, 'des' meaning 'without or away' and 'aise' meaning 'ease.
' So a state of disease can be said to be a disruption in the wholeness of the body, literally a moving away from a state of easiness.
Generally it could be said that there are certain circumstances that may predispose our bodies to being less whole, less healthy.
For example, if we breathe in high amounts of environmental chemicals from either a rural or city environment or if we experience high levels of stress.
Under-nourishing our bodies through circumstance or dietary neglect can also reduce the integrity of our 'whole' health.
In such circumstances, we can predispose our bodies to becoming less whole, less healthy.
Our Health & Vitality If we imagine that there is a health scale where optimum health levels are at the top of the scale and at the bottom are non-optimum conditions.
Starting at the top, our bodies are working at their optimum, providing us with vitality and energy that we need to live our lives to be as healthy as we possibly can be.
As we move down this health scale, our bodies reduce in strength and vitality and health conditions arise the less healthy one becomes.
One becomes less whole in terms of vitality and energy and so we move down the health scale.
Where does your health fit on this scale? A Healthy Balance Our bodies need nutrients to survive.
They need to have a certain balance and ratio of different nutrients on a regular basis in order to maintain health.
The better the balance of nutrients that the body needs, the better it can respond with health and energy.
The main groups of nutrients that the body needs include proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, fatty acids and fibre.
In the circumstances when we do not have a sufficient amount of the right nutrients, our health may start to suffer.
Poor health or sickness could be bought about by state of imbalance in the body.
The body needs the right amount of the right nutrients to work properly and maintain a healthy balance.
Each person has their own unique set of health circumstances and if you have any concerns regarding your state of health or a particular condition, you should consult with a professional health practitioner.
Natural Living Products Food products are either natural or produced chemically.
Natural products derive from natural resources.
'Nature' which is a word that comes from the old French meaning 'creative power in the material world.
" Natural products come from living or organic sources such as plants including vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts.
Fish, birds and land animals are also living or natural sources of food.
Non-living or inorganic natural products such as minerals & water are also needed by us to maintain health.
Whether we are vegetarians or meat-eaters, our bodies need a combination of living and non-living food sources.
Natural Health Natural health practises work to maintain the body's health balance through exercise, diet and natural products.
A well-balanced diet usually supplies all the nutrients a person needs.
However, in the event that the body becomes run down, natural products may be of considerable benefit.
It is worthwhile to consult with a professional health practitioner before deciding on which products may be useful for your individual needs.
Our Bodies work Hard Our bodies have to work hard to maintain health, to ensure that harmful substances that enter them are destroyed and to basically protect us to keep our health whole.
Environmental toxic pollutants such as industrial waste products, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, chemical fertilizer sprays, as well as biological germs, viruses and bacteria, all act as harmful substances.
Usually, such substances are detected and destroyed by one of the most important systems we have, our immune system.
Nutrients Strengthen The Immune System Our immune systems help to keep our bodies healthy by resisting harmful substances that enter our bodies.
This includes cells that literally hunt out and attack and destroy these invading substances.
Lymphocytes (the cells of the lymphatic system) and leukocytes (white blood cells) are two examples of important cells found in the immune system.
The immune system also includes a network of vessels that cover the length and breadth of the body helping to ensure the removal of harmful invaders and this is called the lymphatic system.
Physical health includes ensuring our bodies receive all the nutrients it in order for the organs, cells and systems to function properly and this includes a healthy immune system so that our bodies can destroy or remove harmful substances that interfere with healthy functioning.
We need regular amounts of different nutrients for our bodies to stay healthy.
These nutrients work together in well-coordinated interaction, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes.
All of these nutrients are needed to help maintain a healthy internal balance.
Miracle of Mother Nature A healthy body can be said to be one that is adequately supplied with all nutrients in sufficient quantity and in the proper ratio in order to maintain the necessary equilibrium or balance for health.
The human body is undoubtedly a miracle of Mother Nature.
Mother Nature provides the food with all the nutrients needed to maintain a healthy balance.
Our bodies require physical energy which is supplied through nutrients we eat and drink.
Usually, if we give the body the right nutrients, we will be rewarded with health and longevity.
' So, taking this definition, a state of health is one in which there is a condition of wholeness; where the body is working as a system of interconnected parts that combine and link together.
What Does Health Mean? The word 'disease' comes from two words, 'des' meaning 'without or away' and 'aise' meaning 'ease.
' So a state of disease can be said to be a disruption in the wholeness of the body, literally a moving away from a state of easiness.
Generally it could be said that there are certain circumstances that may predispose our bodies to being less whole, less healthy.
For example, if we breathe in high amounts of environmental chemicals from either a rural or city environment or if we experience high levels of stress.
Under-nourishing our bodies through circumstance or dietary neglect can also reduce the integrity of our 'whole' health.
In such circumstances, we can predispose our bodies to becoming less whole, less healthy.
Our Health & Vitality If we imagine that there is a health scale where optimum health levels are at the top of the scale and at the bottom are non-optimum conditions.
Starting at the top, our bodies are working at their optimum, providing us with vitality and energy that we need to live our lives to be as healthy as we possibly can be.
As we move down this health scale, our bodies reduce in strength and vitality and health conditions arise the less healthy one becomes.
One becomes less whole in terms of vitality and energy and so we move down the health scale.
Where does your health fit on this scale? A Healthy Balance Our bodies need nutrients to survive.
They need to have a certain balance and ratio of different nutrients on a regular basis in order to maintain health.
The better the balance of nutrients that the body needs, the better it can respond with health and energy.
The main groups of nutrients that the body needs include proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, fatty acids and fibre.
In the circumstances when we do not have a sufficient amount of the right nutrients, our health may start to suffer.
Poor health or sickness could be bought about by state of imbalance in the body.
The body needs the right amount of the right nutrients to work properly and maintain a healthy balance.
Each person has their own unique set of health circumstances and if you have any concerns regarding your state of health or a particular condition, you should consult with a professional health practitioner.
Natural Living Products Food products are either natural or produced chemically.
Natural products derive from natural resources.
'Nature' which is a word that comes from the old French meaning 'creative power in the material world.
" Natural products come from living or organic sources such as plants including vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts.
Fish, birds and land animals are also living or natural sources of food.
Non-living or inorganic natural products such as minerals & water are also needed by us to maintain health.
Whether we are vegetarians or meat-eaters, our bodies need a combination of living and non-living food sources.
Natural Health Natural health practises work to maintain the body's health balance through exercise, diet and natural products.
A well-balanced diet usually supplies all the nutrients a person needs.
However, in the event that the body becomes run down, natural products may be of considerable benefit.
It is worthwhile to consult with a professional health practitioner before deciding on which products may be useful for your individual needs.
Our Bodies work Hard Our bodies have to work hard to maintain health, to ensure that harmful substances that enter them are destroyed and to basically protect us to keep our health whole.
Environmental toxic pollutants such as industrial waste products, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, chemical fertilizer sprays, as well as biological germs, viruses and bacteria, all act as harmful substances.
Usually, such substances are detected and destroyed by one of the most important systems we have, our immune system.
Nutrients Strengthen The Immune System Our immune systems help to keep our bodies healthy by resisting harmful substances that enter our bodies.
This includes cells that literally hunt out and attack and destroy these invading substances.
Lymphocytes (the cells of the lymphatic system) and leukocytes (white blood cells) are two examples of important cells found in the immune system.
The immune system also includes a network of vessels that cover the length and breadth of the body helping to ensure the removal of harmful invaders and this is called the lymphatic system.
Physical health includes ensuring our bodies receive all the nutrients it in order for the organs, cells and systems to function properly and this includes a healthy immune system so that our bodies can destroy or remove harmful substances that interfere with healthy functioning.
We need regular amounts of different nutrients for our bodies to stay healthy.
These nutrients work together in well-coordinated interaction, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes.
All of these nutrients are needed to help maintain a healthy internal balance.
Miracle of Mother Nature A healthy body can be said to be one that is adequately supplied with all nutrients in sufficient quantity and in the proper ratio in order to maintain the necessary equilibrium or balance for health.
The human body is undoubtedly a miracle of Mother Nature.
Mother Nature provides the food with all the nutrients needed to maintain a healthy balance.
Our bodies require physical energy which is supplied through nutrients we eat and drink.
Usually, if we give the body the right nutrients, we will be rewarded with health and longevity.