Video: Face Lotion Recipes
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Nefra Dabney, Owner of The Big Girls Bachelorette in Manhattan, New York. And this is a facial lotion recipe. You will need Vitamin E lotion and any essential oils you will use such as Tea Tree oil, Vitamin E oil and Shea Butter oil. Add about two tablespoons of Vitamin E enriched lotion. Today, we're using Tea Tree oil which is a natural protective for your skin and this we're going to only add about three drops of. We're also using Shea Butter oil which is a perfect UV protective for your skin. And lastly, we're adding more Vitamin E oil and you'll just do three drops of this as well. Take a spoon and mix the three ingredients together. Make sure you thoroughly distribute those oils throughout the lotion. Once your ingredients are thoroughly mixed, we'll apply to the face. Using your fingertips, take a dab and start in the T-zone area. Work your way out towards the edges of the face in long strokes. This is great for use right before bedtime. If you cover your entire face and let it sit overnight, it's a great way to moisturize and revitalize your skin from the sun's damage. This mixture can be stored in jars and use on a regular basis to maintain a beautiful glow and even tone skin. And that is a facial lotion recipe. I'm Nefra Dabney, Owner of The Big Girls Bachelorette in Manhattan, New York.