Instructions for Making Ponytail Holders
- 1). Lay a bright-colored sock on a flat surface. Smooth out the neck of the sock.
- 2). Cut the tube of the sock away from the sole portion using sharp scissors.
- 3). Trim the tube into ponytail holders by cutting 1-inch loops from the tube. Make fatter holders if you like. This method is a good way to reuse socks your children outgrow.
- 1). Cut a 4-inch strip of 1-inch wide elastic from the roll.
- 2). Thread a needle with thread that matches the color of the elastic. For example, if your elastic is red, use red thread to blend in with the hair accessory.
- 3). Knot the two ends of the thread together once you have it threaded. You only need a 10-inch piece of thread.
- 4). Overlap the ends of the elastic piece about 1 inch. Pin it in place with a straight or safety pin.
- 5). Push the needle into the elastic in the left center of the overlap. Stitch across the overlap securing the two ends together. This should only take four or five stitches. Knot the end and cut away the excess thread.
- 6). Trim away the excess elastic and use your ponytail holder.
Socks and Stockings
Elastic Ponytail Holder