Manage and Control Diabetes Efficiently With These Proven Methods
Managing and controlling diabetes and blood sugar to the normal level is very important to prevent unwanted complications associated with diabetes. This article has listed some of the most efficient and effective methods to manage and control diabetes naturally.
Exercises for diabetes - The advent of modern technology hardly leaves us with scope for exercise. We are often glued to the chair or within the confines of our office all day long. But still we must squeeze out time from our busy schedule for exercising. Aerobic exercises like walking and swimming, strength training and flexibility or stretching exercises are very helpful for diabetes. They help us to burn down calories by accelerating the metabolic rate, lose body weight, gives us sound sleep, improve the heart health and flexibility of joints, and prepare our body for daily chores and helps in maintaining a good general health.
Diet plan to check diabetes - A balanced diet is to be taken by a diabetic. Carbohydrate intake is to be cut down. Citrus fruits may be included in diet to keep body weight in check. Canned fruits are to be avoided. One must cut down on the consumption of sweets, candy and sugar. Food items rich in fibers like barley, pear, bean, blackberries, chick-peas etc may be taken. Fiber-rich food reduces the intestinal absorption of glucose. Prickly pear and dandelion greens may be diced and taken in salads. They are beneficial in controlling cholesterol and improving lipid profiles. Cinnamon, cashew, ginger, garlic, bay leaf and turnips should be included in diet. In other words, a suitable meal plan is to be chalked out.
Alteration of day to day habits - Smoking, caffeine and alcohol intake are to be strictly avoided. These habits accelerate blood glucose levels.
De-stressing - Having a positive attitude towards life, relieving stress by listening to soft music, practicing yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises can help a lot. One can cope with stress by accepting what one cannot change, and giving an outlet to one's anxiety by discussing it with someone else.
Hope this article will help you to know some of the effective tips and methods to prevent diabetes. A disease free life is the key to a healthy life and helps you live healthier and longer.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions from this article.
Read about Diabetes Natural Treatment and its benefits. Know how Diabetes Supplement helps control blood sugar levels naturally. Read information about Diabetes Home Remedies.
Exercises for diabetes - The advent of modern technology hardly leaves us with scope for exercise. We are often glued to the chair or within the confines of our office all day long. But still we must squeeze out time from our busy schedule for exercising. Aerobic exercises like walking and swimming, strength training and flexibility or stretching exercises are very helpful for diabetes. They help us to burn down calories by accelerating the metabolic rate, lose body weight, gives us sound sleep, improve the heart health and flexibility of joints, and prepare our body for daily chores and helps in maintaining a good general health.
Diet plan to check diabetes - A balanced diet is to be taken by a diabetic. Carbohydrate intake is to be cut down. Citrus fruits may be included in diet to keep body weight in check. Canned fruits are to be avoided. One must cut down on the consumption of sweets, candy and sugar. Food items rich in fibers like barley, pear, bean, blackberries, chick-peas etc may be taken. Fiber-rich food reduces the intestinal absorption of glucose. Prickly pear and dandelion greens may be diced and taken in salads. They are beneficial in controlling cholesterol and improving lipid profiles. Cinnamon, cashew, ginger, garlic, bay leaf and turnips should be included in diet. In other words, a suitable meal plan is to be chalked out.
Alteration of day to day habits - Smoking, caffeine and alcohol intake are to be strictly avoided. These habits accelerate blood glucose levels.
De-stressing - Having a positive attitude towards life, relieving stress by listening to soft music, practicing yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises can help a lot. One can cope with stress by accepting what one cannot change, and giving an outlet to one's anxiety by discussing it with someone else.
Hope this article will help you to know some of the effective tips and methods to prevent diabetes. A disease free life is the key to a healthy life and helps you live healthier and longer.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions from this article.
Read about Diabetes Natural Treatment and its benefits. Know how Diabetes Supplement helps control blood sugar levels naturally. Read information about Diabetes Home Remedies.