Ground Breaking Secret Health Issue
Today, I would like to ask you to eat and think a little differently.
Instead of eating any ol' thing when you are hungry and then eventually use anti-biotics for your cold flu or other infectious disease that will result, I ask you to eat good quality food grown in good quality soil! Does that make sense? At the turn of the 20th Century soil scientist, Albert Howard, discovered a secret to health: the soil.
After experimenting in his agricultural work in India he wrote two books on the subject when he returned to England: 1) The Soil and Health and 2) An Agricultural Testament..
and was knighted.
Basically Sir Howard confirmed the disease resistant power of the natural living soil upon plants grown in the living soil.
He deliberately introduced highly infectious diseases into the plants growing there and the diseases did not take hold.
He then did the same for animals that were feed disease resistant food, and they also did not acquire diseases.
The animals feed properly were healthy and strong while other animals exposed to the same infectious diseases died of various ailments.
He also observed that his workers, who lived off food grown in this soil, lived free of disease.
if you know how to eat...
then maybe you'd never get sick...
now that's a weird thought!) Finally, he concluded that the best way to deal with disease was to change the soil in which it was grown rather than kill the pathogen or germ or virus with an anti-biotic.
So one very important step in your health today is to find something grown organic and eat it or go to an organic farm.
That's it ..
and then do it again tomorrow, and the next day! One more thing as a side bar: Protein that does not get the nourishment it needs...
That's the best reason I heard in a long time for the obesity problem in America.
Instead of eating any ol' thing when you are hungry and then eventually use anti-biotics for your cold flu or other infectious disease that will result, I ask you to eat good quality food grown in good quality soil! Does that make sense? At the turn of the 20th Century soil scientist, Albert Howard, discovered a secret to health: the soil.
After experimenting in his agricultural work in India he wrote two books on the subject when he returned to England: 1) The Soil and Health and 2) An Agricultural Testament..
and was knighted.
Basically Sir Howard confirmed the disease resistant power of the natural living soil upon plants grown in the living soil.
He deliberately introduced highly infectious diseases into the plants growing there and the diseases did not take hold.
He then did the same for animals that were feed disease resistant food, and they also did not acquire diseases.
The animals feed properly were healthy and strong while other animals exposed to the same infectious diseases died of various ailments.
He also observed that his workers, who lived off food grown in this soil, lived free of disease.
if you know how to eat...
then maybe you'd never get sick...
now that's a weird thought!) Finally, he concluded that the best way to deal with disease was to change the soil in which it was grown rather than kill the pathogen or germ or virus with an anti-biotic.
So one very important step in your health today is to find something grown organic and eat it or go to an organic farm.
That's it ..
and then do it again tomorrow, and the next day! One more thing as a side bar: Protein that does not get the nourishment it needs...
That's the best reason I heard in a long time for the obesity problem in America.