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When Feeling Crabby, What Choice Do You Make?

There's something about being human that involves crabby moments.
Yes, we are in charge of our moods and responses and actions and yes, sometimes we are crabby.
The good news about this, in a reframe sort of a way, is that you also always have a choice.
We in lifestylecatalyst land (yes, as coaches we facilitate change whether you lingering in the sunshine in a spa setting, frustrated at the office desk, or ready to create your new action plan) learned to let the onslaught of crabbiness become a guide to pause, breathe, take inventory and redirect our attention.
That amazingly helpful choice then causes our energy and focus to shift and we very quickly get over our crabbiness.
Try it - it really works.
That's why we lifestyle catalysts write about it--it works! Do you remember that you are in charge of your response to every situation that appears?Do you take time to pause, breathe, and reflect before reacting?Do you know that there is no such thing as a victim attitude unless you decide to adopt it?You get to choose and you get to decide if or when and/or how to respond to everything.
So, the answer to why write about crabby is that this is really about making choices: oBreathe with precision (inhale 4 counts, exhale 8 counts) oDecide where to put your attention (on the jerk or on the fact that you are grateful) oFocus upon what works (do you see an immediate solution or do you need to ponder) oDirect your energy to the solution side of things (be creative & invent some ridiculous solutions just to let your crabbiness have a voice) oTake the talk for a walk oHold the kitty oSet the timer and sit in the sunshine for ten minutes appreciating what you see oChoose not to take another's opinion personally (read The Four Agreements) oRemember that the choice is always yours and you can connect to your inner wisdom, power and creative voice to respond to whatever comes your way.
oTake a nap oDrink water oJump rope Consider planning a relaxing spa vacation.
It might include: oAqua aerobics Aerobic exercises performed in a pool -- The buoyancy of the water greatly reduces the chance of injuring joints or muscles.
oBody conditioning Any exercise program that focuses on overall conditioning of the body usually combining exercises for strength and flexibility.
oDetoxification (detox) Cleansing the body of poisons or toxins that may have accumulated through addictive habits.
(yes, more water again) oExfoliation...
where they scrub (gently) to slough the top layer of dead skin cells off the face or body using a dry brush, loofah, salt or sugar.
Kris taught Leslie the beauty of this.
oHatha yoga...
devoted to the physical processes (as opposed to others that focus on wisdom, meditation, service, etc.
) involving breathing and physical exercises.
(Yes, we mention this one & know that there are many types of physical yoga.
) oLabyrinth walking (Leslie and Kris both enjoy this) Following a man-made, path (traced on the ground, as in cathedrals, or constructed in garden) to meditate, focus, and calm the mind.
Different from a maze, the path follows a number of circuits to the center of a circle and back out.
oPilates (Kris is a regular) Body conditioning program developed by Joseph Pilates meant to develop flexibility and strength without building mass via a system of controlled movements and specially designed exercise equipment.
oTai chi One of Leslie's favorites to do en masse, this Chinese martial art uses forms, stylized gestures regulated by deep breathing, and the movement of the diaphragm to unite body and mind in order to achieve mental clarity, balance, and improved circulation.
And the best news about these spa details is that you can find them at home also.
Make the most of the moments you have to support decisions that result in what's positive, even if it takes a moment of crabby to point the way.
Email us with your crabbiness remedies; we'd love to continue this conversation!
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