Harmony and the Master Mind
Harmony between two or more people is the key to success of a Master Mind.
Not every grouping of people will form a mastermind; only those working together in a spirit of harmony, goodwill, and a common interest will actually form a Master Mind group.
A good example of harmony in a mastermind group is the old time religious revivals in which the music plays a big part.
The music sets the basic vibration and gets everyone's mind vibrating at the same frequency; the power of the words achieves focus; and preaching of the minister directs the focus of the Master Mind.
Although the revival mastermind only last a little beyond the duration of the meeting it is still a very powerful group and formed relative quickly and in harmony with a common purpose, directed by the minister.
Emotions are very powerful and are one of the only true ways to reach the subconscious mind, during the revival meeting the subconscious mind is open to the mastermind created by the meeting and the very air is filled with a sense of power that is employed at the direction of the minister.
This same feeling and source of power can be reached in motivational speeches that resonate with the audience.
People will become charged and capable of amazing feats.
Anthony Robbins gets his audience to walk on fire during one of his seminars.
The same method has been used in sales meetings, sports, and other group events.
Although this method is used in powerful positive ways it has also been used in negative destructive way such as in cults that end in controlling the group and even suicide.
One must be careful in which groups one participates and which leaders you decide to follow, or how YOU decide to lead your group.
Whenever a group gets together in the spirit of perfect harmony each mind in the group becomes supplemented and empowered by the energy of the Master Mind group.
It may be the power of God, the Universal Mind, the Super-Consciousness, or whatever you wish to call it, but it does work for those that believe and remain in harmony and trust.
Harmony is working together not only for your own benefit but for the benefit of the group; willing to give you time and effort to help a fellow member; giving your all on the common focus of the group; and remaining loyal, friendly and helpful to all members of the group.
If just one member breaks the harmony you MUST remove them immediately before they destroy the Master Mind group you created.
You cannot make any exception here, for once the harmony is broken the group is destroyed; you MUST remove the member right there and then.
If the person that breaks the harmony of the group is the founder he must be removed as well; even if that means leaving the group and forming your own.
Everyone must be on the same page here, all have a common goal, and be working in harmony with every other member, if just one member is selfish in the group the mastermind group will fail.
Not every grouping of people will form a mastermind; only those working together in a spirit of harmony, goodwill, and a common interest will actually form a Master Mind group.
A good example of harmony in a mastermind group is the old time religious revivals in which the music plays a big part.
The music sets the basic vibration and gets everyone's mind vibrating at the same frequency; the power of the words achieves focus; and preaching of the minister directs the focus of the Master Mind.
Although the revival mastermind only last a little beyond the duration of the meeting it is still a very powerful group and formed relative quickly and in harmony with a common purpose, directed by the minister.
Emotions are very powerful and are one of the only true ways to reach the subconscious mind, during the revival meeting the subconscious mind is open to the mastermind created by the meeting and the very air is filled with a sense of power that is employed at the direction of the minister.
This same feeling and source of power can be reached in motivational speeches that resonate with the audience.
People will become charged and capable of amazing feats.
Anthony Robbins gets his audience to walk on fire during one of his seminars.
The same method has been used in sales meetings, sports, and other group events.
Although this method is used in powerful positive ways it has also been used in negative destructive way such as in cults that end in controlling the group and even suicide.
One must be careful in which groups one participates and which leaders you decide to follow, or how YOU decide to lead your group.
Whenever a group gets together in the spirit of perfect harmony each mind in the group becomes supplemented and empowered by the energy of the Master Mind group.
It may be the power of God, the Universal Mind, the Super-Consciousness, or whatever you wish to call it, but it does work for those that believe and remain in harmony and trust.
Harmony is working together not only for your own benefit but for the benefit of the group; willing to give you time and effort to help a fellow member; giving your all on the common focus of the group; and remaining loyal, friendly and helpful to all members of the group.
If just one member breaks the harmony you MUST remove them immediately before they destroy the Master Mind group you created.
You cannot make any exception here, for once the harmony is broken the group is destroyed; you MUST remove the member right there and then.
If the person that breaks the harmony of the group is the founder he must be removed as well; even if that means leaving the group and forming your own.
Everyone must be on the same page here, all have a common goal, and be working in harmony with every other member, if just one member is selfish in the group the mastermind group will fail.