Summer Beauty Tips for Teenagers
- Water is key to decent skin throughout the summer. Staying hydrated is more difficult when you're sweating more, so increasing your water intake is crucial to keeping a teen's body balanced and skin looking fresh. Avoid sugary carbonated beverages and coffee, which actually dehydrate the body, and instead opt for waters, flavored waters or tea. There's no simple answer as to how much water should be consumed daily, but the Mayo Clinic suggests using either a replacement approach, an eight-glass-per-day approach or dietary recommendations per the Institute of Medicine, which bases water intake on gender. Whatever approach teens take, water loss is greater in the summer, so it's vital to consume larger quantities than in other seasons.
- Use insect repellent if you plan to go outdoors for an extended period of time to avoid nasty and unsightly red bumps. Pimples are enough trouble for teens to worry about. The last thing they need is stress from bug bites ruining their complexion. Ward off unsightly remains of insect feasts by stopping bug bites before they even occur. The smell of insect repellent may appear a deterrent, but with options like Burt's Bees Herbal Insect Repellent, which provides a summer citrus scent, or NutriShield's Natural Insect Repellent, available in peppermint, herbal and cinnamon scents, there's no longer an excuse to sport spots from bug bites. Insect repellent is a must for any teen summer routine.
- Keep makeup to a minimum. Heat expands pores, so wearing a heavy foundation in hot and humid weather can cause more problems like blackheads and pimples. Switching to a lighter moisturizing foundation will keep pores clear and cut down on blemishes. If possible, use a light concealer and avoid foundation all together, since it does have the tendency to streak by mid-afternoon thanks to summer temperatures.
- Remember the sunscreen. Blemishes are one thing, but peeling, red or blistered skin is another problem entirely. Short-term, sunscreen will help teens avoid the embarrassment and pain of a flaking face. Long-term, it's key in helping to prevent leathery skin, sun spots and even cancer. A sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 will do wonders for the skin and is essential during summer months especially.
- Spice up bland outfits with bold jewelry. Since layering is out of the question, unless you want to deal with pit-stains, chunky or bold jewelry can spice up an ordinary outfit to make it extraordinary. Flea markets and Goodwill are often great places to find jewelry for minimal investment. Teen clothing stores are also (usually) reasonable in their pricing. Don't be afraid to ask older family members if they have any cool pieces you can borrow, either. Fashion is cyclical, so chances are, mom has some groovy necklaces from back in the day that would be a perfect, and free, fit for your outfit.
Hydrate, Hydrate Hydrate
Repel Red Bumps
Lighten Up on Makeup
Lather on the SPF
Go Bold with Beads