Rate The Collagen and Elastin Enhancers - Learn the Truth About Skin Products
How does one rate the collagen and elastin enhancers on the market today? There are so many skin care products for sale that it is actually quite difficult to weed through the hundreds of options, as well as sort through the marketing claims to separate fact from fiction.
A lot of the hype around collagen moisturizers is just plain false.
So, let's get to the root of this issue and expose the truth so that you end up with a collagen enhancer that works.
Collagen and elastin are important building blocks for skin.
They help make your skin firm and smooth; the qualities that we all desire in a more youthful, glowing complexion.
When we are young, our bodies produce ample amounts of these two proteins, hence the 'baby soft' and smooth complexion that we often take for granted in our youth.
However, as we age, our bodies produce less collagen and elastin than before.
This is about the time we start to notice those fine wrinkles appearing, at first, barely noticeable around our eyes and mouth, but then becoming more pronounced over time.
As we age our skin loses firmness, tone, and resiliency, and sagging jowls and other signs of aging start to rob us of our youthful appearance.
It is no wonder, then, that we would buy just about any skin care line that promises to turn back time and restore our skin.
After all, if it were only so easy to rejuvenate skin by massaging a bit of moisturizer onto our skin, and it didn't cost a fortune, wouldn't we all do it? The truth is that many of us would, and do.
I have purchased countless of these products myself, but often end up feeling a sense of disappointment in the results.
So before you spend your money, just be sure that what you are buying actually works! Don't fall for the false claims: rubbing a topical collagen moisturizer onto the skin's surface is not going to give your skin more collagen.
It won't.
In fact, while collagen as an ingredient may provide some temporary moisturizing benefits, it will not make your skin produce new collagen.
However, thanks to new scientific research and clinical trials, there are several new skin care product ingredients that will actually rejuvenate your skin to produce its own new collagen and elastin.
This is an importance distinction that most marketing claims don't bother to point out.
You want your skin to be rejuvenated and to act as if it were younger skin by producing its own new collagen and elastin.
In this way, you really can turn back time and have less wrinkles, less sagging skin, and a smoother complexion with less discoloration.
You actually can have that wonderful youthful glow that you miss.
I know, because I have actually found skin care products that have restored my own skin.
I am 41 years old, and you would not believe the compliments I get about my skin.
So, the next time you are going to rate the collagen and elastin enhancers, just remember that collagen and elastin as an ingredient in skin care products are simply not adequate.
Look for ingredients that will stimulate skin to make new collagen and elastin instead.
The results in your skin will impress you.
A lot of the hype around collagen moisturizers is just plain false.
So, let's get to the root of this issue and expose the truth so that you end up with a collagen enhancer that works.
Collagen and elastin are important building blocks for skin.
They help make your skin firm and smooth; the qualities that we all desire in a more youthful, glowing complexion.
When we are young, our bodies produce ample amounts of these two proteins, hence the 'baby soft' and smooth complexion that we often take for granted in our youth.
However, as we age, our bodies produce less collagen and elastin than before.
This is about the time we start to notice those fine wrinkles appearing, at first, barely noticeable around our eyes and mouth, but then becoming more pronounced over time.
As we age our skin loses firmness, tone, and resiliency, and sagging jowls and other signs of aging start to rob us of our youthful appearance.
It is no wonder, then, that we would buy just about any skin care line that promises to turn back time and restore our skin.
After all, if it were only so easy to rejuvenate skin by massaging a bit of moisturizer onto our skin, and it didn't cost a fortune, wouldn't we all do it? The truth is that many of us would, and do.
I have purchased countless of these products myself, but often end up feeling a sense of disappointment in the results.
So before you spend your money, just be sure that what you are buying actually works! Don't fall for the false claims: rubbing a topical collagen moisturizer onto the skin's surface is not going to give your skin more collagen.
It won't.
In fact, while collagen as an ingredient may provide some temporary moisturizing benefits, it will not make your skin produce new collagen.
However, thanks to new scientific research and clinical trials, there are several new skin care product ingredients that will actually rejuvenate your skin to produce its own new collagen and elastin.
This is an importance distinction that most marketing claims don't bother to point out.
You want your skin to be rejuvenated and to act as if it were younger skin by producing its own new collagen and elastin.
In this way, you really can turn back time and have less wrinkles, less sagging skin, and a smoother complexion with less discoloration.
You actually can have that wonderful youthful glow that you miss.
I know, because I have actually found skin care products that have restored my own skin.
I am 41 years old, and you would not believe the compliments I get about my skin.
So, the next time you are going to rate the collagen and elastin enhancers, just remember that collagen and elastin as an ingredient in skin care products are simply not adequate.
Look for ingredients that will stimulate skin to make new collagen and elastin instead.
The results in your skin will impress you.