Is There an Answer to Stress Related Hair Loss?
With all the stresses that modern day has to throw at us many people around the world are suffering from the side effects. One effect of stress I wish to talk to you about is stress related hair loss. Anyone who has or is currently suffering will be able to tell you that having one more thing to worry about does not make life any easier.
It is a cruel trick that is played on some of us by Mother Nature and that is why many people are looking for ways to naturally restore the hair that has over time began to thin and disappear.
One thing that many people find is that some people are only out to sell you highly perfumed chemicals that will do you more harm than good, which is why the best products to go for are those that are made from natural ingredients.
Whether the stress you are suffering from is due to emotions or something such as an illness either you or someone close is suffering from then you will have noticed that it is not good for your body at all. Many people will eat more, or less food and the immune system will also be affected. The hair is no different and suffers too.
The main reason for the hair falling out and thinning is that it is being killed off by the white blood cells that are usually there to fight infections. Unfortunately they begin to target your hair follicles and that is why you begin to lose your hair.
The first signs of this are usually that you have to keep un-clogging the drain in your shower or bath; also you may have noticed that there is hair on your pillow when you wake and that you always have to empty your brush or comb. The final straw is normally when you have to style your hair differently to how you wish to because you are trying to cover up the problem.
When the stress has gone away some people are lucky and the hair begins to grow back, but this can take months, even years. That is if it grows back at all, and no one wants to wait that long and chances are if you are losing your hair this is another problem that sends your stress levels soaring on a vicious cycle.
The good new is that the scientists now know what causes the hair loss and have found a way that you are able to get back the healthy strong hair you once had without having to use the harsh chemicals that can cause other problems such as skin irritation and cancers. This means that everyone is able to turn back the clock and get back the confidence that time and fate cruelly took away.
We all deserve to be able to look our best and not have to have added stress on top of what we are already suffering. Unfortunately not all stresses can be solved as easily as getting back your hair, but it's a start.
It is a cruel trick that is played on some of us by Mother Nature and that is why many people are looking for ways to naturally restore the hair that has over time began to thin and disappear.
One thing that many people find is that some people are only out to sell you highly perfumed chemicals that will do you more harm than good, which is why the best products to go for are those that are made from natural ingredients.
Whether the stress you are suffering from is due to emotions or something such as an illness either you or someone close is suffering from then you will have noticed that it is not good for your body at all. Many people will eat more, or less food and the immune system will also be affected. The hair is no different and suffers too.
The main reason for the hair falling out and thinning is that it is being killed off by the white blood cells that are usually there to fight infections. Unfortunately they begin to target your hair follicles and that is why you begin to lose your hair.
The first signs of this are usually that you have to keep un-clogging the drain in your shower or bath; also you may have noticed that there is hair on your pillow when you wake and that you always have to empty your brush or comb. The final straw is normally when you have to style your hair differently to how you wish to because you are trying to cover up the problem.
When the stress has gone away some people are lucky and the hair begins to grow back, but this can take months, even years. That is if it grows back at all, and no one wants to wait that long and chances are if you are losing your hair this is another problem that sends your stress levels soaring on a vicious cycle.
The good new is that the scientists now know what causes the hair loss and have found a way that you are able to get back the healthy strong hair you once had without having to use the harsh chemicals that can cause other problems such as skin irritation and cancers. This means that everyone is able to turn back the clock and get back the confidence that time and fate cruelly took away.
We all deserve to be able to look our best and not have to have added stress on top of what we are already suffering. Unfortunately not all stresses can be solved as easily as getting back your hair, but it's a start.