How to Braid Micro Braids
- 1). Start with freshly washed hair. Keep ends from splitting in the braiding process by conditioning the hair with a moisturizing conditioner. Dry the hair completely. Part the hair with a rat-tooth comb, which is a long comb with small teeth on the top and a long and narrow base. Part the hair in small sections. Apply a conditioning oil to the scalp to protect the hair.
- 2). Use the rat-tooth comb to part your first row in a straight line. Pull the remaining hair away from the row and secure it with a clip, so you don't incorporate loose strands.
- 3). Separate a small section from the row, approximately 1/2 inch for the micro braid. Pinch off the same 1/2-inch thickness from the pack of synthetic hair. Pinch the middle of the extension, leaving an equal amount of hair hanging on either side.
- 4). Wrap the middle of the extension around your separated section of hair. Allow the extension length to fall equally on either side. While still pinching the separated section of hair, press one side of the extension to your natural hair. Pull the other side of the extension with your free hand, creating a third strand of braid. Your natural hair and the pinched extension should be the first two strands.
- 5). Braid all three strands together, with two of the three strands incorporating the synthetic hair. As your braid extends past the nape of your neck, you will need to separate the two extension strands into three. Braid hair to your desired length. Use the rat-tooth comb to separate the next 1/2-inch section. Repeat the process until the entire head of hair has been braided.