How to Make Gray Hair Thicker
- 1). Wash your hair with warm water and a quarter-size amount of thickening shampoo every day for oily hair. For dry hair, limit your hair washing to every other day or every three days to avoid stripping your hair of the natural oils is needs to stay hydrated.
- 2). Massage the shampoo and conditioner through your hair and onto your roots. This action allows the product to open the hair shaft.
- 3). Blot your hair dry it with a towel, and avoid rubbing the hair. Rubbing exacerbates damage to hair that lacks moisture, which increases the wiry look once the hair has dried.
- 4). Part your hair down the middle of your head with a comb and create a horizontal part that intersects with the vertical part to create four sections in your hair.
- 5). Dry your hair section by section with a blow dryer on a cool setting, and brush from roots to ends using a soft-bristled paddle brush. Do not use a comb, which may snag your hair and entangle it, during this process.
- 6). Eat protein-rich foods. Protein improves hair growth by providing nutrients to the hair shaft according to Charles Worthington in "The Complete Book of Hairstyling." High levels of protein are found in meats such as beef and pork, as well as poultry and fish, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Vegetable protein sources include whole grains, legumes and nuts.
- 7). Eat leafy green vegetables, which according to Good Housekeeping provide vitamins A and C, nutrients that promote healthy hair.
- 8). Take daily multivitamins. Multivitamins that contain vitamins B-6, B-12, C and E, as well as selenium and zinc may improve the quality of your hair, according to Worthington. Take vitamin E in moderation; more than 1,000 mg per day for adults 18 and over can cause health problems if taken for an extended period, according to the Mayo Clinic.