Can You Trust Chinese Medicine to Treat Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction?
There is a lot of implied trust in the power of Chinese medicine when treating various ailments like premature ejaculation and impotence.
This is due to the natural ingredients and formulations that have been handed down from generations.
But is the Chinese medicine the same as it was a hundred years ago? Definitely not.
There are many products available for treating premature ejaculation.
One of them is the use of Chinese herbal medicine.
Many people swear by this because Chinese medicine has been revered as an alternative to the drugs available in the market today.
However, in the last few decades, the Chinese have been notorious in cloning just about everything under the sun, drugs included.
With no regulatory board such as the FDA, there is no proof that the ingredients that are supposed to be in a particular product are actually the correct ones.
There have been thousands of cases world-wide of people getting sick after using Chinese cosmetics or taking mass produced herbal medication.
There is no recourse for the victims as judicial fairness in China is virtually non-existent.
Individuals with ailments such as premature ejaculation get fooled easily by unscrupulous entrepreneurs who use the weakness and the vulnerability of their victims to con them with pills or products that could be harmful.
Chinese traditional medicine if made using the proper traditional ingredients and recipes, is very effective.
But the Chinese people are aware that there exists in the West a very easy to fool market, which is having a honeymoon with alternative and traditional medicine.
Be very careful when using Chinese medicine.
Make sure that it is made by a reputable manufacturer.
If in doubt do extensive internet research.
Look for forums and valid testimonials of people that have used the medication.
Even talk to your friends who may have taken the medicine or may know of someone who has.
This is due to the natural ingredients and formulations that have been handed down from generations.
But is the Chinese medicine the same as it was a hundred years ago? Definitely not.
There are many products available for treating premature ejaculation.
One of them is the use of Chinese herbal medicine.
Many people swear by this because Chinese medicine has been revered as an alternative to the drugs available in the market today.
However, in the last few decades, the Chinese have been notorious in cloning just about everything under the sun, drugs included.
With no regulatory board such as the FDA, there is no proof that the ingredients that are supposed to be in a particular product are actually the correct ones.
There have been thousands of cases world-wide of people getting sick after using Chinese cosmetics or taking mass produced herbal medication.
There is no recourse for the victims as judicial fairness in China is virtually non-existent.
Individuals with ailments such as premature ejaculation get fooled easily by unscrupulous entrepreneurs who use the weakness and the vulnerability of their victims to con them with pills or products that could be harmful.
Chinese traditional medicine if made using the proper traditional ingredients and recipes, is very effective.
But the Chinese people are aware that there exists in the West a very easy to fool market, which is having a honeymoon with alternative and traditional medicine.
Be very careful when using Chinese medicine.
Make sure that it is made by a reputable manufacturer.
If in doubt do extensive internet research.
Look for forums and valid testimonials of people that have used the medication.
Even talk to your friends who may have taken the medicine or may know of someone who has.