Aftershave And Its Application To Daily Life
Aftershave - components Anaftershave to day is ordinarily a lotion or gel that is used by men to preventthe skin from hardening due to shaving and as a freshener.
In earlier days,alum was used as the most commonly used aftershave material but that has nowbeen replaced with numerous qualitative lotions, gels, liquids, and pastes.
Aftershave today is the combination of a moisturizer, a perfume, and aninfection-preventive, all in one.
Aftershave - necessity Men useaftershave as an antiseptic after the shaving is completed.
Ordinarily anaftershave lotion contains some antiseptic elements like alcohol or suchmedicinal components that would prevent any infection occurring to a cut due toshaving.
Most after shave lotions are scented too, adding to the fragrance andacting as a perfume in addition to having moisturizer contents to prevent skinfrom hardening due to regular shaving.
Very often wesuffer a cut from shaving either due to our being unmindful or due to some otherfacts like the blade having lost the sharpness of its edges and likes.
Since ableeding from such cut can continue over ten to fifteen minutes, the bestpreventive is to rinse a cotton swab in alcohol and press the wound.
Thispurpose is best served by an aftershave lotion that with the alcohol contentsnot only stops bleeding but also acts as excellent antiseptic materials for suchcuts.
Learn about: Aftershave - apreventive for shaving cuts Aftershave - asa perfume Four componentslike essential oil, aroma compounds, solvents and fixatives are combinedtogether for make a perfume.
This produces a pleasant smell good both for theuser and others around him.
Aftershave serves this purpose extremely well sincethey have their own fragrance and exerts a pleasant smell all around which ismore attractive as it covers the most sensitive part of the body for anonlooker, the face.
Till today, Eau de Cologne is one of the most popularaftershaves and fragrance is one of the main reasons for it.
Aftershave - asa moisturizer The main purposethat a moisturizer serves, is to soften the skin by increasing its hydration.
Therefore we use artificial or natural oils and lubricants to moisturize theskin so that it does not loose the water components making it dry andunattractive.
Aftershaves serve this purpose extremely well since they containthe components used in a commercial skin moisturizer though not to such largeextent but enough not to allow the skin to dry up or shrink as a result ofshaving.
Aftershave - anantiseptic material Sometimes harmfulmicroorganisms grow on and affect our skin adversely and an antiseptic preventssuch infection.
Such antiseptics may be true germicides or a preventive.
Aftershave is a preventive that prevents the spread of the infection on our skindue to shaving to a large extent.
Moreover, the freshness that it gives is alsoa great psychologically balancing factor.
Learn more at: How to Apply After Shave
In earlier days,alum was used as the most commonly used aftershave material but that has nowbeen replaced with numerous qualitative lotions, gels, liquids, and pastes.
Aftershave today is the combination of a moisturizer, a perfume, and aninfection-preventive, all in one.
Aftershave - necessity Men useaftershave as an antiseptic after the shaving is completed.
Ordinarily anaftershave lotion contains some antiseptic elements like alcohol or suchmedicinal components that would prevent any infection occurring to a cut due toshaving.
Most after shave lotions are scented too, adding to the fragrance andacting as a perfume in addition to having moisturizer contents to prevent skinfrom hardening due to regular shaving.
Very often wesuffer a cut from shaving either due to our being unmindful or due to some otherfacts like the blade having lost the sharpness of its edges and likes.
Since ableeding from such cut can continue over ten to fifteen minutes, the bestpreventive is to rinse a cotton swab in alcohol and press the wound.
Thispurpose is best served by an aftershave lotion that with the alcohol contentsnot only stops bleeding but also acts as excellent antiseptic materials for suchcuts.
Learn about: Aftershave - apreventive for shaving cuts Aftershave - asa perfume Four componentslike essential oil, aroma compounds, solvents and fixatives are combinedtogether for make a perfume.
This produces a pleasant smell good both for theuser and others around him.
Aftershave serves this purpose extremely well sincethey have their own fragrance and exerts a pleasant smell all around which ismore attractive as it covers the most sensitive part of the body for anonlooker, the face.
Till today, Eau de Cologne is one of the most popularaftershaves and fragrance is one of the main reasons for it.
Aftershave - asa moisturizer The main purposethat a moisturizer serves, is to soften the skin by increasing its hydration.
Therefore we use artificial or natural oils and lubricants to moisturize theskin so that it does not loose the water components making it dry andunattractive.
Aftershaves serve this purpose extremely well since they containthe components used in a commercial skin moisturizer though not to such largeextent but enough not to allow the skin to dry up or shrink as a result ofshaving.
Aftershave - anantiseptic material Sometimes harmfulmicroorganisms grow on and affect our skin adversely and an antiseptic preventssuch infection.
Such antiseptics may be true germicides or a preventive.
Aftershave is a preventive that prevents the spread of the infection on our skindue to shaving to a large extent.
Moreover, the freshness that it gives is alsoa great psychologically balancing factor.
Learn more at: How to Apply After Shave