Help Yourself to an Easier, Symptom Free Menopause
Are you having to suffer with menopause symptoms? Although the menopause is now upon you and this can be a great time of freedom in many respects, for many women if you are experiencing discomfort you will want to find a way forward.
This is a time many women grow in confidence with no fear of pregnancy, no messy monthly periods, children grown - freedom is yours for the taking.
If you are one of those who are suffering from menopausal problems, however, that sense of joy is diminished.
However, unlike years ago when people thought that having hot flushes, mood swings, insomnia and night sweats were 'just part of the menopause', we now know differently.
The Chief of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Massachusetts General Hospital, Isaac Schiff, MD, who is also the author of the book Menopause states that many of the problems of menopause can, in fact, be controlled or eliminated simply by eating the right foods.
You do not need to accept discomfort and stress at this time, nor is the only option hormone replacement therapy, just do some research into the foods to eat along with additional supplements and you will find that sense of joy coming back.
You will now be experiencing hormonal shifts in your body as your ovaries produce less of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone.
Hence as your periods cease you may begin to experience the side effects of this and you may experience hot flashes, mood swings etc.
Also because of producing less estrogen which regulates your cholesterol levels, your cholesterol level may rise, hence women experience higher risks of heart disease after menopause.
Research has proven that there are a number of foods that contain large amounts of phytoestrogens (plant estrogens that act like estrogen in the body) this natural hormone is present in such foods as soy, tofu and tempeh.
Thus if your diet is rich in soy foods this will help to lower your cholesterol and will thus help to protect your heart.
It will also help to lessen other symptoms - my advice is try it and see - you will probably be very pleasantly surprised.
This is a time many women grow in confidence with no fear of pregnancy, no messy monthly periods, children grown - freedom is yours for the taking.
If you are one of those who are suffering from menopausal problems, however, that sense of joy is diminished.
However, unlike years ago when people thought that having hot flushes, mood swings, insomnia and night sweats were 'just part of the menopause', we now know differently.
The Chief of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Massachusetts General Hospital, Isaac Schiff, MD, who is also the author of the book Menopause states that many of the problems of menopause can, in fact, be controlled or eliminated simply by eating the right foods.
You do not need to accept discomfort and stress at this time, nor is the only option hormone replacement therapy, just do some research into the foods to eat along with additional supplements and you will find that sense of joy coming back.
You will now be experiencing hormonal shifts in your body as your ovaries produce less of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone.
Hence as your periods cease you may begin to experience the side effects of this and you may experience hot flashes, mood swings etc.
Also because of producing less estrogen which regulates your cholesterol levels, your cholesterol level may rise, hence women experience higher risks of heart disease after menopause.
Research has proven that there are a number of foods that contain large amounts of phytoestrogens (plant estrogens that act like estrogen in the body) this natural hormone is present in such foods as soy, tofu and tempeh.
Thus if your diet is rich in soy foods this will help to lower your cholesterol and will thus help to protect your heart.
It will also help to lessen other symptoms - my advice is try it and see - you will probably be very pleasantly surprised.