Natural Skin Cleanser
- Milk, honey and oatmeal provide affordable, natural skin care. Whole milk or buttermilk alone can be used once or twice per day to provide extra nutrients while moisturizing. The lactic acid in these dairy products helps exfoliate the skin. Simply use in lieu of water for a quick face wash. Yogurt can be used in a similar manner, by massaging it into the skin daily. Be sure to use plain, unflavored yogurt, as others can contain sugars and additives. Adding a little warm honey can provide extra benefits.
Oatmeal works as an excellent natural exfoliant to scrub off dead skin cells and help remove dirt. Mix it with milk and scrub into the skin once or twice per day. Ground almonds and orange peels work in a similar manner, providing different benefits. Experiment with different ingredients to find what works best for your skin type. - It is best to make these cleansers fresh daily to ensure ingredients don't spoil or lose their benefits. It might take a little extra time, but it can save money and help eliminate waste.
Don't be too concerned with the specific amount of each product used. Try out different proportions of ingredients in the mixtures until one is found that works best. Skin is sensitive to changes in stress, hormones and the environment, so what works one week might need to be altered the next.
Don't underestimate the benefits of plain water. Washing with water a few times a day can help prevent the build-up of dirt and oil, and it also improves the general health of the skin.
Homemade Skin Cleansers
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