Fastest Way to Lose Weight
So what is the fastest way to lose weight? This is a question that millions ask each year.
What I am going to try to do is cut through all the bad information, miracle pills and powders, and just flat out lies.
One of the most important things for weight loss is speeding up your metabolism.
You can use a method called "calorie shifting" to actually speed up your metabolism.
With this method you will actually eat more and lose more weight as a result.
Instead of 2-3 meals a day you will be eating 4-6 meals a day.
That is a lot better than starving yourself right.
Now on to the exercise part of this equation.
You first need to understand there are 2 types of exercises.
They are aerobic and anaerobic.
So what is the difference? aerobic exercise: these would include jogging, riding a stationary bike, elliptical machines,etc..
These types of exercises are great for burning fat and calories.
The only drawback is these exercises only burn fat or calories while your performing that particular exercise.
Once you stop you stop burning calories and fat.
Make sense? anaerobic exercise: This is also called resistance training.
This would involve weight lifting.
These types of exercises also burn fat and calories while your performing the particular exercise.
However they will also speed up your bodies metabolism, and cause your body to burn more calories and fat at rest.
How? Because it takes more energy(calories) to maintain muscle than it does fat.
So if your looking for the fastest way to lose weight you would want to combine these three parts.
Do a split routine where one day your doing aerobic exercises and the next day anaerobic exercises.
What I am going to try to do is cut through all the bad information, miracle pills and powders, and just flat out lies.
One of the most important things for weight loss is speeding up your metabolism.
You can use a method called "calorie shifting" to actually speed up your metabolism.
With this method you will actually eat more and lose more weight as a result.
Instead of 2-3 meals a day you will be eating 4-6 meals a day.
That is a lot better than starving yourself right.
Now on to the exercise part of this equation.
You first need to understand there are 2 types of exercises.
They are aerobic and anaerobic.
So what is the difference? aerobic exercise: these would include jogging, riding a stationary bike, elliptical machines,etc..
These types of exercises are great for burning fat and calories.
The only drawback is these exercises only burn fat or calories while your performing that particular exercise.
Once you stop you stop burning calories and fat.
Make sense? anaerobic exercise: This is also called resistance training.
This would involve weight lifting.
These types of exercises also burn fat and calories while your performing the particular exercise.
However they will also speed up your bodies metabolism, and cause your body to burn more calories and fat at rest.
How? Because it takes more energy(calories) to maintain muscle than it does fat.
So if your looking for the fastest way to lose weight you would want to combine these three parts.
Do a split routine where one day your doing aerobic exercises and the next day anaerobic exercises.