Hair Transplant Pre-Operation Preparation: What to Do Before Surgery?
- The most important decision you will make when opting to undergo hair transplant surgery is choosing the right physician. The talent, skill and experience of doctors varies, and the same goes for the results they produce. The doctor you choose will determine how your hair looks for the rest of your life. Do lots of research. Visit clinics, talk to patients, and consult as many specialists as you can.
- Hair replacement surgery should be a personalized form of treatment. To best understand all surgical options available to you, try to find a physician who is experienced in performing all methods of hair replacement and transplant procedures.
During your initial consultation, your physician should extensively evaluate your current hair condition, including its growth and loss. Your surgeon will also go through your medical history of hair loss to find out if you've undergone similar replacement or transplant surgeries in the past. Your lifestyle will also be discussed, as well as your goals and expectations from the surgery.
You should also be made aware of the possible risks and complications that go with the surgery, examples of which include blood clotting, increased blood pressure and scarring. Inform your doctor if you're a smoker or if you're taking any medications.
When you decide to go through with the procedure, your surgeon must give you a step-by-step explanation of the whole surgery. He or she will explain anesthesia, the facility in which the procedure will be conducted, and other factors involved in the surgery.
Be sure to have a complete grasp of your surgeon's plan. Know all the steps involved and how long every process should take. Also request a sample image that will show the process and results of the surgery. - Your surgeon should give you detailed instructions on how to prepare for your surgery. This will include guidelines on what to eat and drink, smoking habits, and which medications to take and avoid. Generally, blood thinners, alcohol and other such substances must be avoided in the week leading up to the surgery. Smoking should also be minimized or avoided as it can affect your ability to heal following the surgery.
Finding the Right Doctor
Planning for Surgery
How to Prepare