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Sound Therapy Supporting Women's Wellness Challenges

Women often do not take time to take care of themselves!  We tend to take care of others first—children, spouses, parents, relatives.  While this trend will probably always continue, the numbers of women taking time to find and use alternative approaches to maintain their health and wellness are increasing.  The concept of using sound, specifically sound-based therapy, is gaining more acceptance because it is non-invasive and supports self-healing change from within.

The Davis Model of Sound Intervention™ includes 3 points important for helping women maintain and/or enhance their overall wellness balance:
  1. A subtle energy system exists between the voice, the ear and the brain which must be balanced to feel alive and well.
  2. Every cell in the body resonates and must be kept ‘in tune'.
  3. The ear through sound vibrational energy becomes our global sensory stimulator in order not to be overwhelmed with the surrounding environment.

In a recent poll of women of various ages,
  • the younger generation is searching to establish her own life/independence (including a career path, social networks, and life's purpose),
  • the middle generations are searching for ways to maintain current and future abilities (including diet, lifestyle, brain activity, physical endurance, and anti-aging),
  • the senior generation is searching for maintaining or improving her current abilities (including longevity, anti-aging, vital health, brain activity, and physical endurance).

So how can sound-based therapy, within the Davis Model, help women?  There are commonalities and specifics to each generation. 

First, the commonalities:
  1. Sense of Self: No matter what the age, we want to feel good about who we are, what we do, and how we can help others.  By developing the balance between the voice, the ear and the brain, we connect to our inner self and feel more alive, empowered, and have more clarity in how to move forward.  Most will feel happier, become more organized, be better able to express thoughts and needs, think more clearly, and feel better physically (the ear also is our balance/motor center).
  2. General Wellness: By keeping the cellular energy of the body in tune, which is measured with vocal and ear sound analysis, the body's resonance can be ‘tuned up'. By introducing complementary sound frequencies to the body, the sound algorithms of the body become balanced or tuned.

Secondly, by generation:
  1. Younger: The balancing of the connections between the voice, the ear and the brain help develop better clarity of what their interests are which may lead them to a clearer career path.  Additionally the sense of self supports adjustment to life on their own, how to deal with being in a less social environment than school life, how to make new friends, how to develop personal communication skills (face to face communication vs internet), and how to begin to take charge of their health/wellness concerns, i.e. drug use, STD's, weight issues, hormonal concerns.
  2. Middle: Balancing the voice, ear and brain as well as cellular resonance is important for these generations because women are often just coming into ‘their own'.  Their children are grown and they find more time for themselves.  Emphasis on keeping both the brain and the body healthy become important.  For some women, this is the first time in their life that they take the time for themselves.  Feeling alive, uncluttered, happy, maintaining health, watching weight gain, and keeping fit becomes a way of life or one to work towards.  Keeping the brain stimulated, the body in balance, and the cellular energy in tune keeps each woman feeling ‘together'.
  3. Senior: Keeping the brain and the body stimulated provides a wonderful quality of life to anyone over age 65.  Enhancing the voice, ear, and brain connection keeps both the brain and the body toned.  Additionally keeping the cellular energy ‘in tune' provides as much balance as possible from a core body need which wants to ‘self-heal'.


Sound-based therapy uses the energy of the body to make self-change from within.  However, the process should not be random. The process should follow the outcome of a test battery designed to balance the connection between the voice, the ear, and the brain as well as the sound cellular energy of the body.  Every woman deserves to feel balanced, alive, happy, and well.  When administered in the correct manner, this is possible with sound-based therapy.


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