Video: How to Attain 6-Pack Abs
Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Tanya, and I'm an instructor at Gold's Gym. How to attain six pack abs, got to work hard, do lots of cardio. But, I'm going to show you just how to target this area first off. So, after your five mile run, then come on down and do this. Alright, so here's what I want from you. Your hands underneath your shoulders, so you want to kind of lean back, lift the legs off the floor, the muscles are firing already, send it, bring it. So extend, bend, that is targeting right in the abdominals. Holy cow, that's awesome. So, when you send the legs out, you lower the upper body and bring it right back up. That's a hard one. But you can do it, two, one. Okay, from there, all the way down, because you want that rock hard ab. I want you to incorporate, like, some resistance with it. So, I'm going to pull one knee to the chest, the other one's going away. I'm pulling it in, pulling it in. So, that loosens up the hips, but if you want those awesome abs just kind of pop, right here, block the knee as it comes to you. Your head can be on the floor when you do this. You can lift off the floor with the upper body, right there, right down the center, awesome. Alright, the other ones when you bring the knees over the hips, fingertips on the head, opposite elbow, opposite knee. You want to make sure you keep breathing. The low back is pressed into the floor, just the fingertips are on the head, four, three, two, one. So, we hit the center, we hit the sides, and just a few of those, like a minute of each, then repeat, then repeat, then repeat and you will attain the six pack abs.