Video: Staying a Safe Distance away from a Campfire
Video Transcript
SHERYL MCGLOCHLIN: Hi. This is Sheryl with And today, we're building a campfire in the winter, in the snow, in my backyard. We've talked about several things that are really important to have with campfire, and one of those is actually a camping chair. You want to be able to sit around the campfire and really enjoy this. But I want to show you one hazard that can happen when you're in a chair. In this case, we got a little too close and some of the little pieces of fire, the little embers jumped out, and they actually put a hole in our chair. So that's one thing that could also happen to your own clothes, which is why you want to be careful when there's little sparks that are coming out because it can put little holes in your chair. That's why you don't want to put your chair too close to a fire 'cause this will happen. But it is an important thing to be able to wear clothes that are not really, really valuable, that you don't mind having smoke on them. The smoke actually does come out in the wash when you do wash your clothes and everything. But it's a good idea to just make sure your clothes are protected, and your chairs are protected when you're building a fire.