How To Instantly Boost Your Metabolism
Why do some people eat and eat but never gain any weight whilst you pile on all the fat? These people tend to have naturally high metabolism thats why. Some people tend to be naturally like that, dont you just hate them?!
Metabolism in simple terms means the time taken for your body to digest your food into proteins and fat needed for it to function properly.
People with a high metabolism rate tend to burn off any food intake faster than the body can store any of the fat from the food eaten hence they never tend to put on weight. This can be a blessing or a curse depending on what way you look at it!
For people trying to gain weight this can be a total nightmare as no matter how much they eat they wont gain whereas these people dont really need to diet as regardless of what they eat, it'll get burned off naturally anyway.
On the other side people with a low metabolism rate tend to easily gain weight as their body is not burning as many calories and storing the fat as body fat. This can even happen when you are actually eating less or when on a low calorie diet.
Reason for this is your body starts getting more efficient at storing the little calories it gets and starts to use lean tissue or muscle to provide it with more calories it needs to keep it functioning.
This leads to your body losing muscle and lowering your metabolic rate so that it can keep ticking over with what its got. Effectively you are eating less and gaining more weight! This is the main reason why low calorie diets dont work.
The other interesting thing to note is the more muscle mass you have the more calories are burnt since muscle needs lot more calories than fat to maintain. To give you an idea - your body burns 2 calories with 1 pound of fat but burns 50 calories with 1 pound of muscle! This means the more lean muscle you build, the higher your metabolic rate skyrockets to.
Your metabolism rate depends on several factors such as lifestyle, your fitness level, age, etc. but anyone can boost their own metabolism rate by following some simple tips:
Start exercising - With frequent exercise you can help to jump start your body's metabolism which will help you to burn off those extra calories when you need to. Remember more muscle means more fat is burnt even whilst you are doing nothing!
Drink water - Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated as even if you are mildly dehydrated your metabolism can slow down. In addition to this water is an important component of cleaning all the toxins out of your system.
Eat more frequently - Make sure you eat small meals at frequent times rather than skipping meals and eating more at one particular meal. This will keep your blood sugar stable as well cranking the metabolism.
Eat breakfast - Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast tend to be more fat than people who eat breakfast so make sure you do eat a healthy one! This is due to your body going into starvation mode as it thinks you going to go without food for a long period so starts storing fat to compensate.
Eating fat burning foods - Add more foods such as grapefruit, almonds, beans, spinach, jalapenos, broccoli, oatmeal, cinnamon, chillis, cottage cheese, green tea. All these have fat burning properties and will help you instantly boost your metabolism. Just remember simply eating these won't help as dramatically as exercising as well as eating these.
Get enough sleep - Aim to get around 7-8hrs sleep as this is vital for your body to recover from daily stress and balance out growth hormones needed for the body to function properly.
Reduce stress - Increased stress causes more cortisol to be produced in your body and also imbalances your blood sugar levels, this again slows down your metabolism right down. Although with current modern lifestyles it is difficult to remain totally stress free, try doing something which relaxes and refreshes you to balance out any stresses in your life.
By following the above simple steps you can instantly boost your metabolism rate which will benefit you in so many ways. Your general health and fitness will improve helping you to avoid illnesses and you should notice a more leaner body with less body fat which is always desirable!
Metabolism in simple terms means the time taken for your body to digest your food into proteins and fat needed for it to function properly.
People with a high metabolism rate tend to burn off any food intake faster than the body can store any of the fat from the food eaten hence they never tend to put on weight. This can be a blessing or a curse depending on what way you look at it!
For people trying to gain weight this can be a total nightmare as no matter how much they eat they wont gain whereas these people dont really need to diet as regardless of what they eat, it'll get burned off naturally anyway.
On the other side people with a low metabolism rate tend to easily gain weight as their body is not burning as many calories and storing the fat as body fat. This can even happen when you are actually eating less or when on a low calorie diet.
Reason for this is your body starts getting more efficient at storing the little calories it gets and starts to use lean tissue or muscle to provide it with more calories it needs to keep it functioning.
This leads to your body losing muscle and lowering your metabolic rate so that it can keep ticking over with what its got. Effectively you are eating less and gaining more weight! This is the main reason why low calorie diets dont work.
The other interesting thing to note is the more muscle mass you have the more calories are burnt since muscle needs lot more calories than fat to maintain. To give you an idea - your body burns 2 calories with 1 pound of fat but burns 50 calories with 1 pound of muscle! This means the more lean muscle you build, the higher your metabolic rate skyrockets to.
Your metabolism rate depends on several factors such as lifestyle, your fitness level, age, etc. but anyone can boost their own metabolism rate by following some simple tips:
Start exercising - With frequent exercise you can help to jump start your body's metabolism which will help you to burn off those extra calories when you need to. Remember more muscle means more fat is burnt even whilst you are doing nothing!
Drink water - Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated as even if you are mildly dehydrated your metabolism can slow down. In addition to this water is an important component of cleaning all the toxins out of your system.
Eat more frequently - Make sure you eat small meals at frequent times rather than skipping meals and eating more at one particular meal. This will keep your blood sugar stable as well cranking the metabolism.
Eat breakfast - Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast tend to be more fat than people who eat breakfast so make sure you do eat a healthy one! This is due to your body going into starvation mode as it thinks you going to go without food for a long period so starts storing fat to compensate.
Eating fat burning foods - Add more foods such as grapefruit, almonds, beans, spinach, jalapenos, broccoli, oatmeal, cinnamon, chillis, cottage cheese, green tea. All these have fat burning properties and will help you instantly boost your metabolism. Just remember simply eating these won't help as dramatically as exercising as well as eating these.
Get enough sleep - Aim to get around 7-8hrs sleep as this is vital for your body to recover from daily stress and balance out growth hormones needed for the body to function properly.
Reduce stress - Increased stress causes more cortisol to be produced in your body and also imbalances your blood sugar levels, this again slows down your metabolism right down. Although with current modern lifestyles it is difficult to remain totally stress free, try doing something which relaxes and refreshes you to balance out any stresses in your life.
By following the above simple steps you can instantly boost your metabolism rate which will benefit you in so many ways. Your general health and fitness will improve helping you to avoid illnesses and you should notice a more leaner body with less body fat which is always desirable!