How 30 Minutes Walking For Fat Loss Can Burn 150 - 475 Calories!
Walk that Fat Right out of your Life! In order to have a well-rounded weight loss plan, walking is a great way to burn some of those extra calories and receive some other heart healthy benefits.
Walking in order to lose weight is a very good cardio activity as it does much to improve your heart and circulation.
Many people who walk regularly as part of their weight loss program will also notice a decrease in blood pressure.
Walking is also an excellent way to tone and strengthen leg muscles, but it will burn calories over the long haul as well.
Walking increases your metabolism and thus leads to more calories that are being burned.
After you have done some moderate to intense walking for about the first 15 minutes of your program, your body will have used up all the available stores of carbohydrates in the bloodstream and will then begin to burn calories from your fat stores.
You can burn through a few of those calories by walking slowly and unhurriedly.
However, to really see some beneficial weight loss, you are going to have to pick up the pace to a fairly decent clip.
Walking moderately for just an hour every day can help your body burn stored fat and build lean muscle, and all of this will help to increase your metabolism.
If you are just starting out on a walking program, it is best to get the advice of your physician and begin at an unhurried rate of speed.
You should spend the first few day getting used to walking.
Begin slowly with your exercise regimen, perhaps 20 minutes 4 to 5 times each week.
You want to gradually increase your walking up to 60 minutes each day 5 to 6 times a week.
This can be accomplished by taking two separate 30 minute walks in the morning and the afternoon.
So that you may always keep your body challenged, keep up your walking pace as much as possible and try to vary some of these workouts.
You can vary your speed and add some slight inclines to your walking pattern every 5 minutes or so.
An hour's worth of walking burns calories according to the intensity, speed and the person involved.
The amount of calories that are burned by someone who is walking may vary in range from 150 - 475.
The higher number of calories that are burned comes from what is called power walking at high intensity.
One of the benefits that walking has for fat loss is that this exercise can be done at any time and in any place.
If you cannot go walking outside due to inclement weather, you can go mall walking or utilize a treadmill.
Treadmills are excellent machines to use as many of them have fat burning programs already built into the machine.
Because these programs are pre-set, everything will be done automatically and all you have to do is continue to walk.
You have to keep in mind that this is helping you achieve your weight loss goals and is not a strength training routine.
Any program that is based upon exercise or walking for fat loss is based upon theory and not every individual will achieve the same results.
This may not be the proper choice of program for you, so it is best if you check with your physician before you attempt any of these weight loss activities.
Walking in order to lose weight is a very good cardio activity as it does much to improve your heart and circulation.
Many people who walk regularly as part of their weight loss program will also notice a decrease in blood pressure.
Walking is also an excellent way to tone and strengthen leg muscles, but it will burn calories over the long haul as well.
Walking increases your metabolism and thus leads to more calories that are being burned.
After you have done some moderate to intense walking for about the first 15 minutes of your program, your body will have used up all the available stores of carbohydrates in the bloodstream and will then begin to burn calories from your fat stores.
You can burn through a few of those calories by walking slowly and unhurriedly.
However, to really see some beneficial weight loss, you are going to have to pick up the pace to a fairly decent clip.
Walking moderately for just an hour every day can help your body burn stored fat and build lean muscle, and all of this will help to increase your metabolism.
If you are just starting out on a walking program, it is best to get the advice of your physician and begin at an unhurried rate of speed.
You should spend the first few day getting used to walking.
Begin slowly with your exercise regimen, perhaps 20 minutes 4 to 5 times each week.
You want to gradually increase your walking up to 60 minutes each day 5 to 6 times a week.
This can be accomplished by taking two separate 30 minute walks in the morning and the afternoon.
So that you may always keep your body challenged, keep up your walking pace as much as possible and try to vary some of these workouts.
You can vary your speed and add some slight inclines to your walking pattern every 5 minutes or so.
An hour's worth of walking burns calories according to the intensity, speed and the person involved.
The amount of calories that are burned by someone who is walking may vary in range from 150 - 475.
The higher number of calories that are burned comes from what is called power walking at high intensity.
One of the benefits that walking has for fat loss is that this exercise can be done at any time and in any place.
If you cannot go walking outside due to inclement weather, you can go mall walking or utilize a treadmill.
Treadmills are excellent machines to use as many of them have fat burning programs already built into the machine.
Because these programs are pre-set, everything will be done automatically and all you have to do is continue to walk.
You have to keep in mind that this is helping you achieve your weight loss goals and is not a strength training routine.
Any program that is based upon exercise or walking for fat loss is based upon theory and not every individual will achieve the same results.
This may not be the proper choice of program for you, so it is best if you check with your physician before you attempt any of these weight loss activities.