Believing That Candida Treatment Can Surely Cure Your Yeast Infections
There are many people who said their candida has been cured by a method of treating candida by Dr. Piller / Blinzler by electro medicine (464 Hz) by the diet, probiotics mass by Threelac, the other with fresh fruit for six weeks. If people want to say they are healed, I prefer to believe them rather than sit and doubt, just to reassure myself that there is no cure. There are many people who say they have cured their cancer, too. Who is a person here to say that these people are dishonest or trying to get personal gain?
The only gain I see are doctors and nutritionists who have never had candida, but treated so many are writing books about him for 20 million dollars a pop. Part of the protocol beat any illness is a positive attitude and a willingness to believe that health can be found. How many people who continue to add to believe that negative thoughts can be healthy? How many people follow the program for over a week without a slip?
I know I do not have much time, so I was not rid of this problem. But I was the reason I was not rid of it. Nobody forced me to give up the money against his will. Nobody has frayed. I did some research, wanted to try it, and paid the price. My only problem is myself and my habits. Until you change your lifestyle completely for the prescribed amount of time you will not correct the problem.
Health is possible, unless you believe it is not. Self-prophecy, which means that you are responsible for your own health. I hope there are still many people wanted to share, learn and gain support.
The only gain I see are doctors and nutritionists who have never had candida, but treated so many are writing books about him for 20 million dollars a pop. Part of the protocol beat any illness is a positive attitude and a willingness to believe that health can be found. How many people who continue to add to believe that negative thoughts can be healthy? How many people follow the program for over a week without a slip?
I know I do not have much time, so I was not rid of this problem. But I was the reason I was not rid of it. Nobody forced me to give up the money against his will. Nobody has frayed. I did some research, wanted to try it, and paid the price. My only problem is myself and my habits. Until you change your lifestyle completely for the prescribed amount of time you will not correct the problem.
Health is possible, unless you believe it is not. Self-prophecy, which means that you are responsible for your own health. I hope there are still many people wanted to share, learn and gain support.