Are Fast Weight Loss Diets Safe?
There is a good chance that you have seen infomercials or magazine advertisements touting fast weight loss diets.
While these claims are certainly appealing, it is fair to question just how healthy these crash diets are.
In this article, we'll examine whether faster really is better when it comes to dropping those excess pounds.
Lose weight like a celebrity? There are some products on the market that claim to give you results similar to your favorite celebrities.
The best part of all is that these "Hollywood" and "Celebrity" drinks only require a commitment of 24 or 48 hours!Can it really be that simple?Sadly, the answer is no.
Because while these fast weight loss diet plans will usually yield results, they actually amount to no more than fasting.
These crash diets give you short-term results simply because you are not eating!Most of the weight you lose will merely be water weight - which will be gained right back again when you resume eating solid foods.
Pills and Supplements What about diet pills and weight loss supplements that suppress appetite and boost your metabolism? While some of these products do work as advertised, there is one simple fact to keep in mind.
These fast weight loss diet pills are not evaluated by the FDA, nor are they required to be.
What does this mean to you?It means that while you may be gaining a small benefit from these products - you can not be certain as to their overall effect on your health.
Ediets - a recipe for success? We live in the computer age, and with these advances come opportunities for dishonest people to make a buck.
Don't get me wrong - there are many reputable services out there in cyberspace that are committed to giving proper weight loss advice.
However, it is your responsibility to perform sound research before signing up with an "ediet"-type plan.
It should also be noted that most reputable e-books and diets do not make "overnight" weight loss claims.
Most of these services require time, dedication, and effort on your part.
The fastest weight loss diet is...
A healthy and detailed plan.
This is truly the most effective way to sustained weight loss.
While the afore-mentioned methods may get you off to a fast start, they also come with risks that may not be worth taking.
Eat right, exercise often, and display a bit of patience.
Ironically, this line of thinking represents the absolute fastest way to lose weight.
While these claims are certainly appealing, it is fair to question just how healthy these crash diets are.
In this article, we'll examine whether faster really is better when it comes to dropping those excess pounds.
Lose weight like a celebrity? There are some products on the market that claim to give you results similar to your favorite celebrities.
The best part of all is that these "Hollywood" and "Celebrity" drinks only require a commitment of 24 or 48 hours!Can it really be that simple?Sadly, the answer is no.
Because while these fast weight loss diet plans will usually yield results, they actually amount to no more than fasting.
These crash diets give you short-term results simply because you are not eating!Most of the weight you lose will merely be water weight - which will be gained right back again when you resume eating solid foods.
Pills and Supplements What about diet pills and weight loss supplements that suppress appetite and boost your metabolism? While some of these products do work as advertised, there is one simple fact to keep in mind.
These fast weight loss diet pills are not evaluated by the FDA, nor are they required to be.
What does this mean to you?It means that while you may be gaining a small benefit from these products - you can not be certain as to their overall effect on your health.
Ediets - a recipe for success? We live in the computer age, and with these advances come opportunities for dishonest people to make a buck.
Don't get me wrong - there are many reputable services out there in cyberspace that are committed to giving proper weight loss advice.
However, it is your responsibility to perform sound research before signing up with an "ediet"-type plan.
It should also be noted that most reputable e-books and diets do not make "overnight" weight loss claims.
Most of these services require time, dedication, and effort on your part.
The fastest weight loss diet is...
A healthy and detailed plan.
This is truly the most effective way to sustained weight loss.
While the afore-mentioned methods may get you off to a fast start, they also come with risks that may not be worth taking.
Eat right, exercise often, and display a bit of patience.
Ironically, this line of thinking represents the absolute fastest way to lose weight.