Steps to a More Positive You
Let little bursts of happiness seep into your daily life.
Optimists go through life seeing the glass half full.
Pessimists see the glass half empty.
Admittedly, it can be tough seeing the bright side, especially when so much of society seems focused on the gloom.
News stories usually highlight what has gone wrong in the world.
Radio and television talk shows feature people who are unhappy about one thing or another (which lead a number of people to commit crimes, etc.
) It is no surprise then that many people have trouble being optimistic.
Truth is that things do not always work out for the best.
And there is this notion that if you expect the best, you are tempting fate.
There are some good reasons to look for the best in life, and by being an optimist, you are not only healthier both emotionally and physically, you are also better at coping when things go wrong.
So even if you are naturally pessimistic or find that you are too focused on the things that are wrong in your life, you can start accentuating the positive by following these tips: 1.
It is okay to worry and be happy at the same time.
Although the song says, "Don't worry, be happy," you can not shut off all your anxiety or guilt, and force yourself to be joyous.
You can, however, give yourself permission to experience positive emotions when you are feeling down.
The next time you are in the midst of negative thoughts and feelings, be open to the little spurs of happiness that will invariably seep through.
And be thankful that they do.
If the glass is half empty, fill it up.
One of the very best ways to defeat pessimism is to create positive things in your life to which you can look forward.
Identify activities that make you feel good and do more of them every day.
Start by asking yourself these simple questions.
oWhat always makes me smile? oWhat fills my heart with love? oWhat makes me feel fulfilled? oWhat excites me? oWhat small things leave me feeling content? 3.
If you cannot see the brighter side, polish the dull side.
There is always good and bad in almost everything that happens, but finding the good sometimes requires a little more work.
So every time something "bad" happens to you, try to look at it through "good" eyes.
Optimists go through life seeing the glass half full.
Pessimists see the glass half empty.
Admittedly, it can be tough seeing the bright side, especially when so much of society seems focused on the gloom.
News stories usually highlight what has gone wrong in the world.
Radio and television talk shows feature people who are unhappy about one thing or another (which lead a number of people to commit crimes, etc.
) It is no surprise then that many people have trouble being optimistic.
Truth is that things do not always work out for the best.
And there is this notion that if you expect the best, you are tempting fate.
There are some good reasons to look for the best in life, and by being an optimist, you are not only healthier both emotionally and physically, you are also better at coping when things go wrong.
So even if you are naturally pessimistic or find that you are too focused on the things that are wrong in your life, you can start accentuating the positive by following these tips: 1.
It is okay to worry and be happy at the same time.
Although the song says, "Don't worry, be happy," you can not shut off all your anxiety or guilt, and force yourself to be joyous.
You can, however, give yourself permission to experience positive emotions when you are feeling down.
The next time you are in the midst of negative thoughts and feelings, be open to the little spurs of happiness that will invariably seep through.
And be thankful that they do.
If the glass is half empty, fill it up.
One of the very best ways to defeat pessimism is to create positive things in your life to which you can look forward.
Identify activities that make you feel good and do more of them every day.
Start by asking yourself these simple questions.
oWhat always makes me smile? oWhat fills my heart with love? oWhat makes me feel fulfilled? oWhat excites me? oWhat small things leave me feeling content? 3.
If you cannot see the brighter side, polish the dull side.
There is always good and bad in almost everything that happens, but finding the good sometimes requires a little more work.
So every time something "bad" happens to you, try to look at it through "good" eyes.