Dog Health inside Your Home: You Could Be Killing Your Dog without Even Trying
Commonly referred to as "man's best friend", most dog owners regard their dogs as members of their family; in fact, some of them prefer to sleep next to their pet dogs rather than share the bed with their spouses. In recent years, dogs have become fashion icons, many thanks to Paris Hilton's love for Tinkerbell, her female Chihuahua that not only became an overnight sensation for "writing" its memoir, but also for setting the trend among "accessory pets". Most dogs do not have Tinkerbell's celebrity status, but their owners surely love them just as much. Or, so Linda thought.
Linda Kajda of Massachusetts adores her Pomeranian Pebbles, who she felt helpless for when Pebbles started shedding her hair and not even her Vet could offer permanent relief.
Imagine her shock when she was told that she could lose her precious Pebbles to alopecia, a hormonal imbalance, which caused Pebbles to shed her fur, not in strands, but in clumps!
Dog's Best Friend Can Be Its Enemy
Linda embarked on research that led to her discovery that it was SHE who caused her dog's misery. Just like Linda, you could be killing your dog too without even trying. It just comes "within the territory."
Despite the TLC she's getting from you, your dog can get sick inside your home. Linda wrote a book about her discovery on dog health problems; here is an excerpt of that book on what you can do to save your dog's life, without seeing your Vet:
1. Does your dog suffer from dandruff, which may cause he or she to shed its fur just like what happened to Pebbles? Give your dog an oatmeal bath and you will see immediate results.
2. Have you installed a new carpet in your home lately? Carpets can cause your dog skin disorders.
3. Do ringworms feed on your dogs? Give your pets a good bath with rosemary or marigold petals and dandelion leaves to kill the pests and promote dog health.
4. Worried about fleas? Start feeding your dog with natural foods, such as fruits and some helpings of vegetables and notice how the new diet will starve fleas off your dog's back!
5. Frequent visits to your vet's clinic due to your dog's recurring skin problem brought about by ticks can cause a dent in your wallet. Soak a cotton ball in liquid soap and apply it on the affected skin of your dog. See what happens.
Your dog's environment and diet can contribute to its health - or death. The good news is you can do something about it. There are natural and home-made remedies that you can apply on your dog's skin disorders and providing your dog with a good helping of natural foods can restore health, without shelling out hundreds of dollars to Vets, unless it is extremely necessary.
Linda has proven that her new found household remedies work and she would like to share these with all dog owners as much as possible.
Save your dog early. Waiting for another day may just be too late.
Linda Kajda of Massachusetts adores her Pomeranian Pebbles, who she felt helpless for when Pebbles started shedding her hair and not even her Vet could offer permanent relief.
Imagine her shock when she was told that she could lose her precious Pebbles to alopecia, a hormonal imbalance, which caused Pebbles to shed her fur, not in strands, but in clumps!
Dog's Best Friend Can Be Its Enemy
Linda embarked on research that led to her discovery that it was SHE who caused her dog's misery. Just like Linda, you could be killing your dog too without even trying. It just comes "within the territory."
Despite the TLC she's getting from you, your dog can get sick inside your home. Linda wrote a book about her discovery on dog health problems; here is an excerpt of that book on what you can do to save your dog's life, without seeing your Vet:
1. Does your dog suffer from dandruff, which may cause he or she to shed its fur just like what happened to Pebbles? Give your dog an oatmeal bath and you will see immediate results.
2. Have you installed a new carpet in your home lately? Carpets can cause your dog skin disorders.
3. Do ringworms feed on your dogs? Give your pets a good bath with rosemary or marigold petals and dandelion leaves to kill the pests and promote dog health.
4. Worried about fleas? Start feeding your dog with natural foods, such as fruits and some helpings of vegetables and notice how the new diet will starve fleas off your dog's back!
5. Frequent visits to your vet's clinic due to your dog's recurring skin problem brought about by ticks can cause a dent in your wallet. Soak a cotton ball in liquid soap and apply it on the affected skin of your dog. See what happens.
Your dog's environment and diet can contribute to its health - or death. The good news is you can do something about it. There are natural and home-made remedies that you can apply on your dog's skin disorders and providing your dog with a good helping of natural foods can restore health, without shelling out hundreds of dollars to Vets, unless it is extremely necessary.
Linda has proven that her new found household remedies work and she would like to share these with all dog owners as much as possible.
Save your dog early. Waiting for another day may just be too late.