How to Flush Away the Fat and Flab
A True Life Story: Battling the Bulge All By Myself
It is not easy being fat in America. You are constantly teased. You are ridiculed. You cannot find decent clothing and you feel ashamed when walking down the aisles of planes. The planes' seat buckles never fit and the gym is full of people who stare you to scorn.
You then try every weight loss program, every Zumba, every Booty Lift, every frozen food program and every meditation method. And, they do not work. Your fat is on a slow dississipate valve. To lose it, it seems like you have to starve yourself. And, believe me, you have tried it; only to lose little to no weight or become extremely flabby.
To make matters worse, you did not become fat all by yourself. On the contrary, the world was facilitating your weight gain, feeding you commercials of chips, cookies, candies and pizza; filling your belly with high fructose corn syrup, BHT, nitrates, and genetically modified foods.
The prices of those Lean Cuisines were steadily skyrocketing and eating organic foods were literally eating you out of your house and home. The only thing shrinking was your wallet. Your body remained the same.
I am telling my story of weight loss success in hopes to comfort others. Perhaps, my fat loss truth will resonate with others. Perhaps, my weight loss truth will help others achieve weight loss and finally end their fight.
How to Become a Fat Loss Success Story: Change Your Mind, Change Your Body
I have never been skinny. I was always chunkier, snugglier or can we say, more voluptuous. I didn't just wake up fat, but I wasn't frail thin all my life. Because of this, my mind was somewhat warped. I had a strong belief that I was just meant to be bigger. I was big boned. I was destined to be a little heavier. Genetically, I was doomed.
Unfortunately, such thinking is not a coping mechanism or a self assuring platitude. It is a setup for failure. You will half-heartedly begin any weight loss plan you attempt if you maintain such thinking. You will think that you can lose weight, but only so much. You will make excuses why certain things just can never work for you. Plus, you will accept failure much easier.
Scrap those thoughts. Don't use your genes as a crutch. Don't speak doubt and despair over your body. Don't judge your success off the mirror or your clothes. Stay positive. Believe that you have an equal chance at a great body, just as much as the person with great abs and an awesome metabolism.
Every day I spoke over my body. Hey, I am in control of it. My body does not control me. I said to myself, €I am healthy. I am fit. I am beautiful and I believe that I am capable of being satisfied with my outside.€ It began to change my thoughts and that is exactly what I needed to succeed.
How to Become a Weight Loss Success Story: Value Your Body, Value What You Feed It
Throughout my life I tried multiple diets. From Cabbage Soup to Master Cleanse, I had been a part of it. The problem with diets is pretty simple. First, diets do not produce long lasting results. Second, diets suck overall. Thirdly, and most importantly, diets do not take your health into account. You do not value your body when you are on a diet except in regards to the diet making your body look different. You eat only pineapples or hunks of meat without regard to how it ultimately affects your total wellness. On diets, you allow your waist size to trump the health of your hair, skin, nails, eyes, bones, joints, heart and brain power. And, it is devastating the entire body system.
I took a stand. I decided to feed my body what it actually needed and nothing more. I wanted my cells to thrive. If the most miniscule part of me thrived, the rest would thrive. I began to feed myself foods and supplements that added life, vitality, fitness and wellness. I did not do it to cut calories or lose a dress size. I did it because I did not want to literally starve my cells for the sake of looking better in some jeans. Feed your cells and see yourself become well. FYI, a well person is not obese.
I added whole food supplements to my life for weight loss, including Bioneferin for fat burning, Garden of Life for a meal replacement, Bragg's Aminos and Slimatrol appetite control. These supplements actually fed my body healthful things that made me lose weight. Just with beginning Garden of Life juices and shakes and taking Bioneferin Fat Flush, I lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks. It was amazing.
I also ate to live. I feasted on nuts, bran, oats, flax chips, lean protein and so much more. I stopped pointing the trigger at my plate when I ate and just enjoyed eating. You will feel better when you know what you are eating might actually be helping detox your body, cleanse your kidneys or spice up your metabolism. Give it a try.
How to Become a Dieting Success Story: Exercise Patience, It is the Most Important Exercise
I wanted badly to lose weight. It took me nearly 22 years. But, I had to enter that moment of self realization, that moment when I was willing to give my all. I stopped making excuses for not buying new tennis shoes and trying supplements. I lost my criticism of everything that seemed like it could help me. I stopped making excuses for not buying what was better or more expensive. Hey, that expensive Pilates class or pricey supplement is worth it. I stopped trusting every infomercial. I became committed to searching out the reasons for my excessive weight. I was committed to losing weight safely and slowly. And, I lost the negative talk. I began to rest easy, knowing that it is not brain surgery. Just eat better, sleep more, exercise a little, feed your body the best and believe in the impossible.
Here I am. Two years later. With just exercising 5 days a week, 45 minutes a day of aerobics, eating whole foods and taking whole food supplements like Braggs and Bioneferin, I have lost over 103 lbs. I am now 154 lbs and I love who I am. I have firmness. I am a size 7. I am not flabby because I rushed through surgery. Nor am I skyrocketing back to my top weight because of some fad diet. I am finally perfected and I am happy. And, I did it! And guess what? YOU CAN TOO. Make the choice today.
It is not easy being fat in America. You are constantly teased. You are ridiculed. You cannot find decent clothing and you feel ashamed when walking down the aisles of planes. The planes' seat buckles never fit and the gym is full of people who stare you to scorn.
You then try every weight loss program, every Zumba, every Booty Lift, every frozen food program and every meditation method. And, they do not work. Your fat is on a slow dississipate valve. To lose it, it seems like you have to starve yourself. And, believe me, you have tried it; only to lose little to no weight or become extremely flabby.
To make matters worse, you did not become fat all by yourself. On the contrary, the world was facilitating your weight gain, feeding you commercials of chips, cookies, candies and pizza; filling your belly with high fructose corn syrup, BHT, nitrates, and genetically modified foods.
The prices of those Lean Cuisines were steadily skyrocketing and eating organic foods were literally eating you out of your house and home. The only thing shrinking was your wallet. Your body remained the same.
I am telling my story of weight loss success in hopes to comfort others. Perhaps, my fat loss truth will resonate with others. Perhaps, my weight loss truth will help others achieve weight loss and finally end their fight.
How to Become a Fat Loss Success Story: Change Your Mind, Change Your Body
I have never been skinny. I was always chunkier, snugglier or can we say, more voluptuous. I didn't just wake up fat, but I wasn't frail thin all my life. Because of this, my mind was somewhat warped. I had a strong belief that I was just meant to be bigger. I was big boned. I was destined to be a little heavier. Genetically, I was doomed.
Unfortunately, such thinking is not a coping mechanism or a self assuring platitude. It is a setup for failure. You will half-heartedly begin any weight loss plan you attempt if you maintain such thinking. You will think that you can lose weight, but only so much. You will make excuses why certain things just can never work for you. Plus, you will accept failure much easier.
Scrap those thoughts. Don't use your genes as a crutch. Don't speak doubt and despair over your body. Don't judge your success off the mirror or your clothes. Stay positive. Believe that you have an equal chance at a great body, just as much as the person with great abs and an awesome metabolism.
Every day I spoke over my body. Hey, I am in control of it. My body does not control me. I said to myself, €I am healthy. I am fit. I am beautiful and I believe that I am capable of being satisfied with my outside.€ It began to change my thoughts and that is exactly what I needed to succeed.
How to Become a Weight Loss Success Story: Value Your Body, Value What You Feed It
Throughout my life I tried multiple diets. From Cabbage Soup to Master Cleanse, I had been a part of it. The problem with diets is pretty simple. First, diets do not produce long lasting results. Second, diets suck overall. Thirdly, and most importantly, diets do not take your health into account. You do not value your body when you are on a diet except in regards to the diet making your body look different. You eat only pineapples or hunks of meat without regard to how it ultimately affects your total wellness. On diets, you allow your waist size to trump the health of your hair, skin, nails, eyes, bones, joints, heart and brain power. And, it is devastating the entire body system.
I took a stand. I decided to feed my body what it actually needed and nothing more. I wanted my cells to thrive. If the most miniscule part of me thrived, the rest would thrive. I began to feed myself foods and supplements that added life, vitality, fitness and wellness. I did not do it to cut calories or lose a dress size. I did it because I did not want to literally starve my cells for the sake of looking better in some jeans. Feed your cells and see yourself become well. FYI, a well person is not obese.
I added whole food supplements to my life for weight loss, including Bioneferin for fat burning, Garden of Life for a meal replacement, Bragg's Aminos and Slimatrol appetite control. These supplements actually fed my body healthful things that made me lose weight. Just with beginning Garden of Life juices and shakes and taking Bioneferin Fat Flush, I lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks. It was amazing.
I also ate to live. I feasted on nuts, bran, oats, flax chips, lean protein and so much more. I stopped pointing the trigger at my plate when I ate and just enjoyed eating. You will feel better when you know what you are eating might actually be helping detox your body, cleanse your kidneys or spice up your metabolism. Give it a try.
How to Become a Dieting Success Story: Exercise Patience, It is the Most Important Exercise
I wanted badly to lose weight. It took me nearly 22 years. But, I had to enter that moment of self realization, that moment when I was willing to give my all. I stopped making excuses for not buying new tennis shoes and trying supplements. I lost my criticism of everything that seemed like it could help me. I stopped making excuses for not buying what was better or more expensive. Hey, that expensive Pilates class or pricey supplement is worth it. I stopped trusting every infomercial. I became committed to searching out the reasons for my excessive weight. I was committed to losing weight safely and slowly. And, I lost the negative talk. I began to rest easy, knowing that it is not brain surgery. Just eat better, sleep more, exercise a little, feed your body the best and believe in the impossible.
Here I am. Two years later. With just exercising 5 days a week, 45 minutes a day of aerobics, eating whole foods and taking whole food supplements like Braggs and Bioneferin, I have lost over 103 lbs. I am now 154 lbs and I love who I am. I have firmness. I am a size 7. I am not flabby because I rushed through surgery. Nor am I skyrocketing back to my top weight because of some fad diet. I am finally perfected and I am happy. And, I did it! And guess what? YOU CAN TOO. Make the choice today.