10 Easy Tips to Enjoy Super Bowl Sunday (Even If You"re a Girl)
Unless you want to plan an Anti Super Bowl Party where you can escape for a few hours, let the guys do their thing and paint the town red
the reality is most of us girls will end up at a Super Bowl Party (and you may even be the hostess of one).
And that means hanging out with excitable boys who cant be interrupted or ripped from the TV, eating almost as much food as we do on Thanksgiving Day and grinning and bearing the football nonsense to get through it all.
Thank goodness weve got Bono this year as our halftime hunny! Why fight it? Might as well brighten up the day with a little feminine energy and make it a day for everyone, not just the boys.
So, here are the top 10 ways to enjoy a Simply Superb Super Bowl Sunday.
Pre-game Role Reversal.
Encourage the guys to perform a pre-game cheer and let the girls huddle up to devise a play and act it out.
Make it an annual Super Bowl ritual and elaborate on it every year.
Battle of the Sexes.
Start a football pool for the girls.
Have each woman take exactly the opposite position of one of the guys.
And at the end of the day see who really knows more about football.
MVP Awards.
Keep a look out for the MVP party goers.
Keep secret voting ballots for the girls to pick: -Worst Joke -Worst Behavior -Best Behaved -Heisman Trophy Snack Winner -Fewest Party Fouls -Worst Party Fumble 4.
Open Up the NFL Shop.
Get the girls together before hand and add a little football fun to your wardrobe.
Make NFL Champion baby doll tees with nick names or code names.
Buy flashy Super Bowl rings as party favors.
Beer Blitz.
Have the kids on clean up patrol all day long.
Give them trash bags and let them know that every empty can they collect is money in their pocket.
Youll take them down to the Recycle Center and turn the cans into cold hard cash.
You might even match the money and then take them to a special spot so they can spend it! 6.
Toilet Penalties and Seat Fouls.
Every time the boys leave the seat up, girls get a 2 minute reprieve from the football talk.
Feel free to bring up any non Super Bowl related topic for two whole minutes without being shushed! 7.
Football Fun Trivia.
Have a competition between the women and the kids at the party and see who is up on their football trivia.
Send an email to julie@shesite.
com with the subject line Super Bowl Trivia for a silly Super Bowl Trivia link that everyone (including women and kids) can play.
When you get it, you can print the email, make copies and pass them out at halftime.
Then when half time is over, rip it up and use it for confetti! 8.
Ice Cube Interception.
Feel playful, flirtatious and let your guy know it.
Toss a cube his way with a wink and a wave instead of shooting him long disapproving stares that could create conflict later.
Get In The Game.
Learn a few buzz words, game principles or plays so you can get in to it.
Get the quick tips Girls Guide to Super Bowl Sunday at [http://www.
com] with 10 of our favorite football phrases and 3 quick-witted questions so you can shoot the breeze and sound like a pro.
Footsie Fumble.
Just in case the testosterone gets too thick.
Have pedicure spa goodies on stand by and ask the girls to bring toe nail decals to trade and swap for a fun pedicure moment in the 4th quarter.
WARNING: For party peace, this tip should only be used in case of an emergency.
Retreat off to the side (or even another room completely) and never start it before halftime.
And if that doesnt get you excited, maybe you should plan an Anti Super Bowl Party after all.
Forget the 10 tips and skip straight to the age old and totally reliable Anti Super Bowl Standby.
Go shopping! If you can get away with the girls, do it!Enjoy the ghost town you live in at its best! Youll find that most places, activities and attractions are completely devoid of male human presence! Try something new, go somewhere different or see something youve been hoping to for a long time.
Plan a Super Bowl fun shopping day, lunch or visit to a museum.
For more simple happy fun essentials for every other day of the year, take a peek at [http://www.
And, enjoy the game!
And that means hanging out with excitable boys who cant be interrupted or ripped from the TV, eating almost as much food as we do on Thanksgiving Day and grinning and bearing the football nonsense to get through it all.
Thank goodness weve got Bono this year as our halftime hunny! Why fight it? Might as well brighten up the day with a little feminine energy and make it a day for everyone, not just the boys.
So, here are the top 10 ways to enjoy a Simply Superb Super Bowl Sunday.
Pre-game Role Reversal.
Encourage the guys to perform a pre-game cheer and let the girls huddle up to devise a play and act it out.
Make it an annual Super Bowl ritual and elaborate on it every year.
Battle of the Sexes.
Start a football pool for the girls.
Have each woman take exactly the opposite position of one of the guys.
And at the end of the day see who really knows more about football.
MVP Awards.
Keep a look out for the MVP party goers.
Keep secret voting ballots for the girls to pick: -Worst Joke -Worst Behavior -Best Behaved -Heisman Trophy Snack Winner -Fewest Party Fouls -Worst Party Fumble 4.
Open Up the NFL Shop.
Get the girls together before hand and add a little football fun to your wardrobe.
Make NFL Champion baby doll tees with nick names or code names.
Buy flashy Super Bowl rings as party favors.
Beer Blitz.
Have the kids on clean up patrol all day long.
Give them trash bags and let them know that every empty can they collect is money in their pocket.
Youll take them down to the Recycle Center and turn the cans into cold hard cash.
You might even match the money and then take them to a special spot so they can spend it! 6.
Toilet Penalties and Seat Fouls.
Every time the boys leave the seat up, girls get a 2 minute reprieve from the football talk.
Feel free to bring up any non Super Bowl related topic for two whole minutes without being shushed! 7.
Football Fun Trivia.
Have a competition between the women and the kids at the party and see who is up on their football trivia.
Send an email to julie@shesite.
com with the subject line Super Bowl Trivia for a silly Super Bowl Trivia link that everyone (including women and kids) can play.
When you get it, you can print the email, make copies and pass them out at halftime.
Then when half time is over, rip it up and use it for confetti! 8.
Ice Cube Interception.
Feel playful, flirtatious and let your guy know it.
Toss a cube his way with a wink and a wave instead of shooting him long disapproving stares that could create conflict later.
Get In The Game.
Learn a few buzz words, game principles or plays so you can get in to it.
Get the quick tips Girls Guide to Super Bowl Sunday at [http://www.
com] with 10 of our favorite football phrases and 3 quick-witted questions so you can shoot the breeze and sound like a pro.
Footsie Fumble.
Just in case the testosterone gets too thick.
Have pedicure spa goodies on stand by and ask the girls to bring toe nail decals to trade and swap for a fun pedicure moment in the 4th quarter.
WARNING: For party peace, this tip should only be used in case of an emergency.
Retreat off to the side (or even another room completely) and never start it before halftime.
And if that doesnt get you excited, maybe you should plan an Anti Super Bowl Party after all.
Forget the 10 tips and skip straight to the age old and totally reliable Anti Super Bowl Standby.
Go shopping! If you can get away with the girls, do it!Enjoy the ghost town you live in at its best! Youll find that most places, activities and attractions are completely devoid of male human presence! Try something new, go somewhere different or see something youve been hoping to for a long time.
Plan a Super Bowl fun shopping day, lunch or visit to a museum.
For more simple happy fun essentials for every other day of the year, take a peek at [http://www.
And, enjoy the game!