Three Reasons Taiji Quan Works Better Than Any Other Martial Art
I love writing articles like this, because artists from other arts blink and trifle with a bit of an inner snarl. Tai Chi ain't so great! What's wrong with my art!
And, of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with other martial arts, it is just a question of which art has more data, more information. Information, after all, is the heart of the universe, it is like a lever to move the everything. Give me enough information and I'll knock over the universe, and that's the first reason, the least mystical, as to why Taiji is so ultimate.
The second reason Tai Chi works better than just about anything else is that tai chi works backwards. Eh, maybe I should say it teaches people to learn backwards. Or, perhaps it is more accurate to say that the Ultimate Art enables people to see that the universe works backwards.
Look, when a fight starts, people push, and people push back, suddenly have a fight. In tai chi, somebody pushes, and somebody goes the other way, and the pusher is face to face with his face on the ground. Forgive my chortle, but that is just smarter.
The third and final reason Taiji is so ultimately ultimate is that it never ends. I mean this in many ways, so let me talk a bit. Let me tell you what the idea of forever really entails.
I met a boxer who had false teeth, cauliflower ears, a honker he had to shove sideways in the morning, and who had trouble figuring out a coherent sentence. This guy had been pummeled to a frothe, and it is fair to note that the less violent an art is the more long lasting it is. Now the art must remain combat ready, or it is no art at all, but the truth of the matter is that you can actually assess the depth of an art by how long its practitioners last.
And, beyond the basic short lived brutality of some arts, there is the fact that--and I love this quote--you never run out of nothing. When you do Tai Chi you are building energy, but not by building energy, rather by building space. The more space you have, the more energy can build and flow, and the further your senses can expand, and the more potential you have to build ability, and so on and so on forever.
So, three reasons why I am a Taji Quan believer: information, backwards, and emptiness. These three reasons can enlighten any art, but the artist must first consider that perhaps there is something wrong with his art. And the most difficult thing in the world, especially for people who don't know how to empty information backwards into the universe, is to do these three things.
And, of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with other martial arts, it is just a question of which art has more data, more information. Information, after all, is the heart of the universe, it is like a lever to move the everything. Give me enough information and I'll knock over the universe, and that's the first reason, the least mystical, as to why Taiji is so ultimate.
The second reason Tai Chi works better than just about anything else is that tai chi works backwards. Eh, maybe I should say it teaches people to learn backwards. Or, perhaps it is more accurate to say that the Ultimate Art enables people to see that the universe works backwards.
Look, when a fight starts, people push, and people push back, suddenly have a fight. In tai chi, somebody pushes, and somebody goes the other way, and the pusher is face to face with his face on the ground. Forgive my chortle, but that is just smarter.
The third and final reason Taiji is so ultimately ultimate is that it never ends. I mean this in many ways, so let me talk a bit. Let me tell you what the idea of forever really entails.
I met a boxer who had false teeth, cauliflower ears, a honker he had to shove sideways in the morning, and who had trouble figuring out a coherent sentence. This guy had been pummeled to a frothe, and it is fair to note that the less violent an art is the more long lasting it is. Now the art must remain combat ready, or it is no art at all, but the truth of the matter is that you can actually assess the depth of an art by how long its practitioners last.
And, beyond the basic short lived brutality of some arts, there is the fact that--and I love this quote--you never run out of nothing. When you do Tai Chi you are building energy, but not by building energy, rather by building space. The more space you have, the more energy can build and flow, and the further your senses can expand, and the more potential you have to build ability, and so on and so on forever.
So, three reasons why I am a Taji Quan believer: information, backwards, and emptiness. These three reasons can enlighten any art, but the artist must first consider that perhaps there is something wrong with his art. And the most difficult thing in the world, especially for people who don't know how to empty information backwards into the universe, is to do these three things.