Burn 10,000 Calories This Month
Every dieter is looking for some ways to burn a few extra calories.
But what if I told you that you could burn an extra 10,000 calories this month? Does that sound impossible? I assure you it's a lot easier than you might think.
Each of the activities listed below will burn off 10,000 calories if done throughout the month as directed.
(Calories burned are only estimates.
They are based on an average 150 lb.
Your actual calories burned may vary due to difference in weight or exertion.
And since one pound is equal to 3500 calories, you could be saying good bye to almost 3 lbs.
even without making any changes to your diet.
Now that's some good news.
But what if I told you that you could burn an extra 10,000 calories this month? Does that sound impossible? I assure you it's a lot easier than you might think.
Each of the activities listed below will burn off 10,000 calories if done throughout the month as directed.
(Calories burned are only estimates.
They are based on an average 150 lb.
Your actual calories burned may vary due to difference in weight or exertion.
- Ready to make a splash? Spend just four and a half hours swimming per week and you'll burn 10,000 calories.
- Joggina and bicycling are other heavy hitters.
One hour a day, five days a week and you'll hit the 10,000 mark. - Sound a bit too strenuous? Never fear.
Just take a brisk walk for one hour every day (yes, weekends too) to burn off 10,000 calories. - Do you have a small child? Great news...
you can burn 10,000 calories by carrying them around for an hour and forty minutes a day. - Are you a do-gooder? By working two seven hour shifts per week serving food to the homeless you can blast away 10,000 calories.
- You can even get rid of those 10,000 calories by watching TV...
5 hours per week! Just make sure that you are not snacking while doing this "exercise".
And since one pound is equal to 3500 calories, you could be saying good bye to almost 3 lbs.
even without making any changes to your diet.
Now that's some good news.