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Health & Medical
Positively Positive - Now That's The Right Stuff
I want you to improve! There's room for improvement. When you win we all win! You and I can become part of a community for positive improvement. We don't invent we just keep on improving. I'm not asking you to volunteer or hit the streets for this cause. I want what you want as long a
Do You Have the Courage to Change?
Self development and improvement is all about change. If we were happy with the status quo, we wouldn't be seeking to improve ourselves, would we? Yet, change requires us to get out of our comfort ...
Start Journaling to Realize Your Dreams Faster
Writing in a journal is not something new but very few use this powerful technique to move forward in life. Learn how journaling can help you achieve your goals.
Self-Confidence Hypnosis Training
Self-confidence hypnosis training programs are used by some of the world's successful business leaders and athletes. They help you visualize success and achieve things that you would not normally be obtainable. They help shy people become great public speakers and nerdy kids pick up girls. You
What Exactly Happens in a Residential Rehab Centre?
Drug addiction is one of the most encountered health disorders by the youth of today. Described as a pathological condition, where the diagnosis of drug inflicted diseases are made through bodily fluids, drug addiction refers to a state of an extensive use of drugs which gradually leads to it's
CFC and SvFL Servants For Family and Life-What is More Powerful Than Trust in God?
Just yesterday I had an awesome experience with my fellow brothers in Christ; also formerly called SOLD (Servants of the Lord) Franco Arollado's place at Pasir Ris. Servants for Family and Life (SvFL) is a community of men who are mostly overseas contract workers (also commonly known as OFW or
How to Succeed in Every Area of Life - Be the Ultimate King
Every wants to taste success magnetism but it is a building process and where ever you get or achieve in life is a direct result of what you wanted out of it. Life does come with road blocks but the one who is hungry to succeed always developed escape routes to overcome these roadblocks and be the u
4 Methods For Improving Concentration and Memory
Many people underestimate the importance of the ability to focus and its impact in our daily lives. Learn 4 methods you can put to use right now to dramatically increase your ability to concentrate.
Verisimilitude - Truth and Credibility
Verisimilitude is not simple. There are many who disavow it or who do not believe in the individual rights of others. While they may spout these rights as truths, they also limit them to their own definition. But to be authentic, true to yourself, can you live within the confines of another's d
Why 72% of Coaches Make LESS Than They Should (1 Secret to Amping UP Your Earnings Overnight)
Q: What differentiates coaches who earn GREAT money from those who don't? What separates those earning 10, 20 or even 30 thousand dollars a month doing work that they love...
Emotional and Mental Stress
Emotional stress is a tricky thing and often hard to overcome. It requires self-reflection and self-discipline; which are two things most people tend to avoid. An example for a situation which causes a bit of emotional stress is when a parent grounds a child who has misbehaved. The parent empathizes
How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want in Your Life - Tip #4
This is Tip #4 in a series of at least 10 on How to Create All of the Wealth and Success That You Want in Your Life...This particular tip discusses why dreams and goals fail.
Where is Your Faith?
When your Faith is truly in GOD you trust that in His time He will fulfill whatever it is that He has said or promised. Take a moment to take an open and honest personal inventory of everything that is happening in your life. Guess what God already knows as well! Despite your circumstances; good, ba
My Audience With God - Ten Questions and Answers
I couldn't believe it when I got the message emblazoned on a rainbow of my dreams. God had decided to grant me an audience.
Reach For the Stars - Raising the Stakes Can Help You to Achieve Greatness
Take the time you have on this planet and make the most of it. Dreams, which may seem impossible, can be achieved if you just believe and take steps to make it happen.
Smart Goal Setting - Writing the Goals
Having a clear picture on each goal step makes the achieving part of smart goal setting much easier. The steps in this article will guide you through how to break you desires into tangible goals.
The Importance of Memorial Keepsakes
Memorial keepsakes given to mourners at a funeral serve to provide a tangible memento to not only remember a loved one, but also to remind us of the personal and special qualities that made our loved
OJ, Jekyll, Hyde & Romans 7
Everyday I try to read at least one chapter of the Bible for my daily Bible devotional. Today I was scheduled to read Romans 7. This had always been one of the hardest chapters in the Bible for me to understand until I read a little book written years ago by Robert Louis Stevenson entitled, "Th
To Achieve Success You Must Eliminate Your Negative Subliminal Thoughts
Do you realize that the vast majority of your negative thinking is subliminal or below your conscious awareness? If you have heard great stories about people who have created their dreams but have been unable to emulate their success following the same plan then what you have is a lot of subconsciou