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Dental & Oral : Health & Medical

The Top Ways to Improve Your Oral Health

Oral health is the term used to refer to the overall hygiene of the mouth. Good oral hygiene is a necessity for everyone. If you don't practice good oral care, you can develop more complicated problems which can be difficult to cure. It's therefore important to understand the importance of

Things to Know About Dental Equipments

Dentists use dental equipments or products methodically since each sequence of the process requires specific steps and rules to be followed. Dentists strictly heed this as non-adherence can void the warranty. Therefore, they also consider ...

Scope Mint Mouthwash: Scope Mouthwash Destroys Germs

A person who has bad breath needs to rinse with mouthwash, and Scope mint mouthwash is a pleasant Scope mouthwash formula that is sure to promote this good habit. Anyone who appreciates drinking a hot ...

Bad Breath Treatment Tips

Several individuals across the planet suffer every day from bad breath. It is a very embarrassing disorder, causing patients to fear speaking face-to-face with someone else.


The word 'Pediatrics' means healer of children, it is a branch of medical science, which deals with the medical care of infants. The age limit for such patients ranges from 12-21. The medicine used for ...

Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

The biggest disadvantage of cosmetic dentistry is its heavy cost. Most people put off cosmetic dental surgery because it's so expensive. Though the price may differ between cities and dentists, on the whole it isn't cheap.


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of cavities including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Orthodontic Treatments - Much More Than Just a Smile

Orthodontics is basically a part of dentistry which is concerned with correcting the misalignment of your teeth. It is true that misaligned teeth look very dirty and spoils your entire look. Appearance of a person does count and your teeth play a significant role in your appearance.

Laser Periodontal Surgery - LANAP

The addition of a FDA-cleared laser protocol has changed the treatment of choice in approximately 80% of the periodontal disease treatment in a private periodontal practice of 26 years. In most cases, Laser Periodontal surgery is superior to conventional surgery. It is less invasive, available to a

Change the Way You Look When You Smile

Have you ever thought of changing your looks when you smile? All those who were shy to smile earlier because of the yellowing of the teeth, irregular teeth, or those wanting to have a cosmetic ...

The Psychological Benefits of a Healthy Mouth

The physiological benefits of healthy teeth consist of happier days, a high confidence, and good feelings that give your life a boost. When you think of the benefits of healthy teeth, what pops in you

How to Floss Most Effectively

Do you floss? Many think that dental flossing is simply a waste of time. Though many dentists consider dental flossing to be just as essential as brushing, many people go months, even years without dental ...