Teeth Grinding at Night? Learn About Teeth Grinding Symptoms You May Not Be Aware Of!
Teeth Grinding Symptoms Teeth grinding or more formerly referred to as bruxism, is a self destructive condition.
Those coping with this condition, tend to grind their teeth uncontrollably and end up causing serious damage to them.
People who are experiencing bruxism can usually be broken up into two different categories.
Those who tend to grind their teeth during the day.
Those who tend to grind their teeth during the night while asleep.
The most common of the two is the second category.
Most adults typically suffer from "sleep bruxism" and start grinding in their sleep.
Many people tend to go on for years completely unaware of their condition due to this.
So what are the common teeth grinding symptoms to look out for? Well, the most obvious would be cracked,worn down, flat, or sensitive teeth.
However, there are many other symptoms including but not limited to: - Headaches - Sore jaw - Earaches - Pain in the teeth from hot or cold drinks - Broken dental crowns - Facial pains - Damaged cheek tissue If you recognize any of these teeth grinding symptoms, it is very likely that you could possibly have sleep bruxism.
This is a condition that is rather time sensitive, and it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.
You may want to consult a dentist as well.
Your dentist will most likely prescribe you a mouth guard to start wearing to bed to prevent any further damage.
The most important thing is to take care of it as soon as possible.
Those coping with this condition, tend to grind their teeth uncontrollably and end up causing serious damage to them.
People who are experiencing bruxism can usually be broken up into two different categories.
Those who tend to grind their teeth during the day.
Those who tend to grind their teeth during the night while asleep.
The most common of the two is the second category.
Most adults typically suffer from "sleep bruxism" and start grinding in their sleep.
Many people tend to go on for years completely unaware of their condition due to this.
So what are the common teeth grinding symptoms to look out for? Well, the most obvious would be cracked,worn down, flat, or sensitive teeth.
However, there are many other symptoms including but not limited to: - Headaches - Sore jaw - Earaches - Pain in the teeth from hot or cold drinks - Broken dental crowns - Facial pains - Damaged cheek tissue If you recognize any of these teeth grinding symptoms, it is very likely that you could possibly have sleep bruxism.
This is a condition that is rather time sensitive, and it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.
You may want to consult a dentist as well.
Your dentist will most likely prescribe you a mouth guard to start wearing to bed to prevent any further damage.
The most important thing is to take care of it as soon as possible.