The Simple Plan of Asking and Receiving
The Question Really picture this in your mind..
Someone tells you that if you ask them for a hundred dollars they'll give it to you and all you have to do is believe it they will- would you ask for it and believe? God told us in 1John 5:14,15 exactly that.
He said that if we ask Him for anything according to His will He'd give it to us.
He will always do as he said.
We just need to understand a few things before we can have some of the things we think we want-Like a two-year old boy who doesn't understand that the stove-top gets hot when certain buttons are turned on! God will teach us and guide our steps if we obey Him (Psalms 32:8).
The Will of God It's not some hidden thing.
It's not hard to understand.
It's not based on emotions or on what kind of day God is having! Humans change all the time as they grow or what color the sky is in their life that day.
God doesn't.
He's the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
Everything that He said He'd do He will do! How to ask When you pray, ask believing that you'll receive and you will (Mark 11:24).
It just sounds too simple compared to what the world has taught us! The story we hear daily about doing more and working harder is really opposite of what God has told us to do.
He said just to believe that He'll do as He said would.
Believing The word 'believing' in the original Greek language actually means having complete trust and having confidence enough in something to act like it's so.
It means having the feelings of certainty so that you do what needs to be done.
When God has said something we're to know it, trust it, and act on it.
If He were the person who said that He's give you a hundred dollars you'd expect it.
You'd believe it.
You'd live your life like it was happening.
The action (faith) would be there.
Faith is having enough belief in something that there is action.
If someone in your neighborhood is baking cookies or is having a barbeque and says that they will give you some if you come over, would you do it?Would you if you're bored and hungry? Would you if they are making the kind of food you eat?Would you if your mouth is watering at the smell of the food?Probably! Faith works the same way really.
You know that you can have something.
You were told what to do to get it.
It's very simple for you to get it.
Someone else is doing all the work and all you really need to do is ask and believe.
It Really Is That Simple? God has done so much for us.
No matter what anyone says to the contrary, He has made it very simple for people to get what He's said! Sometimes we have to wait for the food to finish cooking before we can eat it but we know it's coming.
We're to get ready to eat it.
God often helps us get ready to get the desires of our hearts.
We have pleasure in Him and He gives us the desires of our hearts (Psalms 37:4).
How do we get our pleasure in Him? Like any relationship you have with anyone you have to spend time with God to get to know him.
He already knows you.
He created you and loves you! He's got much more than a hundred dollars for you! The more time you spend with God, the more you'll love Him.
In that love you find yourself having a great deal of pleasure.
We've all too often been taught that our time and God's time are different.
The simple reality is that God is a God of now.
Repeatedly He showed us throughout the Bible that it would be done for the person asking if they were ready in faith(Luke 8:48).
Faith is having enough belief in something that there is action.
Spend the time with God.
Read what He has told you He would do.
Spend time thinking about it.
You'll find yourself growing closer and closer to Him.
You'll find yourself believing that what He said is true for you.
In that trust, you'll find yourself acting more and more upon what He's told you!You'll be receiving what you've asked for and more! Feel free to distribute this article if it is kept as is, including the Resource Box at the bottom.
Notification of online use is not required but I would appreciate it.
Please contact the author prior to use in printed media.
-Michelle Jacobson contact@seedministries.
com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Words Are Powerful! Find out why in this 5-day mini-course! Just send a blank email to: mailto:wordpower@getresponse.
com so that you can find out why right away! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2005, SeedMinistries
Someone tells you that if you ask them for a hundred dollars they'll give it to you and all you have to do is believe it they will- would you ask for it and believe? God told us in 1John 5:14,15 exactly that.
He said that if we ask Him for anything according to His will He'd give it to us.
He will always do as he said.
We just need to understand a few things before we can have some of the things we think we want-Like a two-year old boy who doesn't understand that the stove-top gets hot when certain buttons are turned on! God will teach us and guide our steps if we obey Him (Psalms 32:8).
The Will of God It's not some hidden thing.
It's not hard to understand.
It's not based on emotions or on what kind of day God is having! Humans change all the time as they grow or what color the sky is in their life that day.
God doesn't.
He's the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
Everything that He said He'd do He will do! How to ask When you pray, ask believing that you'll receive and you will (Mark 11:24).
It just sounds too simple compared to what the world has taught us! The story we hear daily about doing more and working harder is really opposite of what God has told us to do.
He said just to believe that He'll do as He said would.
Believing The word 'believing' in the original Greek language actually means having complete trust and having confidence enough in something to act like it's so.
It means having the feelings of certainty so that you do what needs to be done.
When God has said something we're to know it, trust it, and act on it.
If He were the person who said that He's give you a hundred dollars you'd expect it.
You'd believe it.
You'd live your life like it was happening.
The action (faith) would be there.
Faith is having enough belief in something that there is action.
If someone in your neighborhood is baking cookies or is having a barbeque and says that they will give you some if you come over, would you do it?Would you if you're bored and hungry? Would you if they are making the kind of food you eat?Would you if your mouth is watering at the smell of the food?Probably! Faith works the same way really.
You know that you can have something.
You were told what to do to get it.
It's very simple for you to get it.
Someone else is doing all the work and all you really need to do is ask and believe.
It Really Is That Simple? God has done so much for us.
No matter what anyone says to the contrary, He has made it very simple for people to get what He's said! Sometimes we have to wait for the food to finish cooking before we can eat it but we know it's coming.
We're to get ready to eat it.
God often helps us get ready to get the desires of our hearts.
We have pleasure in Him and He gives us the desires of our hearts (Psalms 37:4).
How do we get our pleasure in Him? Like any relationship you have with anyone you have to spend time with God to get to know him.
He already knows you.
He created you and loves you! He's got much more than a hundred dollars for you! The more time you spend with God, the more you'll love Him.
In that love you find yourself having a great deal of pleasure.
We've all too often been taught that our time and God's time are different.
The simple reality is that God is a God of now.
Repeatedly He showed us throughout the Bible that it would be done for the person asking if they were ready in faith(Luke 8:48).
Faith is having enough belief in something that there is action.
Spend the time with God.
Read what He has told you He would do.
Spend time thinking about it.
You'll find yourself growing closer and closer to Him.
You'll find yourself believing that what He said is true for you.
In that trust, you'll find yourself acting more and more upon what He's told you!You'll be receiving what you've asked for and more! Feel free to distribute this article if it is kept as is, including the Resource Box at the bottom.
Notification of online use is not required but I would appreciate it.
Please contact the author prior to use in printed media.
-Michelle Jacobson contact@seedministries.
com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Words Are Powerful! Find out why in this 5-day mini-course! Just send a blank email to: mailto:wordpower@getresponse.
com so that you can find out why right away! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2005, SeedMinistries