Work Reverse This Isn"t Hard
You going to rock your hips for a little bit you actually gonnaboneyard your lower part your hips forward just keep that motion going nice and slow under control never lock your elbow out the top priority for just a little bit soft news keep them ocean-going under control keep in mind you doing twenty five repetitions at this so you don't need a really heavy weight even the arm wait we're just a couple pounds will feel like a lot after twenty five repetitions you have a few more through almost done is your last petition right here and my to relax all right back down under the mat we've got their crises-cross crunch next get ready and begin your across over as far as you can each time you want to get as much rotation out of your torso as possible and try troll their shoulders much as you can each time you can you do that easier version which we're doing here or if you want to make a little bit harder don't bring me in past your hip joint makes it much more difficult otherwise keep those blades going back and forth altering left overall rate me right over left me keep your lungs nice and open on this one breathing is just going to be exhale in here no exhale and you know you cross back over main things important knows it's a keeper lines open don't hold your breath any point during this she'll be inhaling and exhaling any point during this exercise it's got a few more repetitions ago through almost done and here's your last one right there go-ahead later relax roll over on your stomach we've got the plot is back pose coming up next go ahead get ready and begin arms and legs out fully extended arch that back up as high as you can with his legs as high as you can going to both those females hands up off.
The ground as much as possible really are step back those arms are extended out nice and straight from the shoulders right next those years as best you can are very little bit tired after a while from hold them up there his legs should be a perfectly straight Press that neo to straight as you can you with those features a little bit wider than help with the parts about shoulder-width apart or so get a nice and high the harder version of this is as you come back down to keep those hands and feet covering just like we're doing the video otherwise you are the easier version good with his hands and feet touch the ground in PAS momentarily before you bring back up as high as you can re don't hold your breath so in the knows you drop exhales you come back up and you know exhale just make sure you keep his lungs open we're almost done amateur Lhasa petition right they're going let a relaxed and backup we've got alternating lunges.
You're ready him again all right as you step out you want to make sure that need doesn't come over that so you are as close to over top but angulated topic that are set for as you can make sure that every time you step out use about with a different ride all-terrain each word if you want to make a little bit harder you just take a longer step try to step out as far as you can that long step will also help you keep that form a little bit better by forcing you to keep that in the back behind your toe steeped emotion going nice and slow under control you're the torso stripping down you're relieving Forded leaning back try to look that momentum carry forward over the front where you want to keep your weight perfectly even between those two feet come straight down between the two room almost done and here's your last one right here and relax all right back down onto them at we're doing a PLO decide to praise for the next one go ahead and get ready ambient so this is the easier version ever you can be on your boon on your knee but that have dropped down to resume atlas far as well go without touching an impressive right back up as high as you can the same time you're oppressed scholar down underneath you really forcing those oblique's to domineer the work here their Lhasa position the side could switch sides do the same exact motion get ready ambient Press that have up as high as you can each time really trying to push that range emotion really pressed scholerneed to get his oblique
The ground as much as possible really are step back those arms are extended out nice and straight from the shoulders right next those years as best you can are very little bit tired after a while from hold them up there his legs should be a perfectly straight Press that neo to straight as you can you with those features a little bit wider than help with the parts about shoulder-width apart or so get a nice and high the harder version of this is as you come back down to keep those hands and feet covering just like we're doing the video otherwise you are the easier version good with his hands and feet touch the ground in PAS momentarily before you bring back up as high as you can re don't hold your breath so in the knows you drop exhales you come back up and you know exhale just make sure you keep his lungs open we're almost done amateur Lhasa petition right they're going let a relaxed and backup we've got alternating lunges.
You're ready him again all right as you step out you want to make sure that need doesn't come over that so you are as close to over top but angulated topic that are set for as you can make sure that every time you step out use about with a different ride all-terrain each word if you want to make a little bit harder you just take a longer step try to step out as far as you can that long step will also help you keep that form a little bit better by forcing you to keep that in the back behind your toe steeped emotion going nice and slow under control you're the torso stripping down you're relieving Forded leaning back try to look that momentum carry forward over the front where you want to keep your weight perfectly even between those two feet come straight down between the two room almost done and here's your last one right here and relax all right back down onto them at we're doing a PLO decide to praise for the next one go ahead and get ready ambient so this is the easier version ever you can be on your boon on your knee but that have dropped down to resume atlas far as well go without touching an impressive right back up as high as you can the same time you're oppressed scholar down underneath you really forcing those oblique's to domineer the work here their Lhasa position the side could switch sides do the same exact motion get ready ambient Press that have up as high as you can each time really trying to push that range emotion really pressed scholerneed to get his oblique