5 Essential Foods on a Muscle Building Meal Plan
If you've been trying to build muscle and avoid fat gain, you might be confused as to exactly what you should be eating on your muscle building meal plan. There are people who say you should eat tons of carbs, people who advocate no carbs, and then of course there's plenty of disagreement on fats and proteins, as well. The thing is, there are certain foods which are almost guaranteed to help you gain muscle and others which will only make you fat.
You can find out right now how you should be eating, training, and supplementing for maximum lean muscle mass gains, or you can read on to discover 5 of the most essential foods on a muscle building meal plan.
1. Oatmeal
Oats are great, just make sure you go for raw, rolled oats and not that processed, sugary packaged stuff. The benefits are numerous on a muscle building meal plan. First, they are full of fiber. Second, they have tons of vitamins and minerals which you won't get from processed carb sources. Finally, they are great for a muscle building meal plan because they give you sustained energy in the gym.
2. Avocados
Avocados are also great for a muscle building meal plan for two main reasons. First, since they are a whole vegetable and not just an oil, they contain plenty of vitamins and minerals you can't get from other fat sources. Second, they contain tons of healthy fats that can help regulate hormone levels, promote healthy skin, and most important, build muscle!
3. Red Meat
As long as you go for lean cuts like sirloin and round, red meat is possibly the best muscle building food. It is full of protein, vitamins, iron, and slight amounts of saturated fat. Don't be scared of the fat, either! Saturated fat, in moderate amounts, has been shown to increase testosterone levels without promoting fat gain. Include red meat in your muscle building meal plan.
4. Fatty Fish
Fatty fish like salmon and seabass not only contains tons of protein, but they have essential Omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help promote heart health and proper hormone levels, and they can even help your joints. That is crucial for heavy weight training! Without healthy joints, you won't be able to lift, no matter how recovered your muscles are. Eat some salmon 2-3 times a week in your muscle building meal plan.
5. Green Vegetables
If there's one food that everyone should include in their muscle building meal plan and that will NEVER make you fat, it's green, fibrous vegetables. They have essentially zero net calories, but they are full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They can also assist you with keeping a good pH balance in your body – the protein you eat all the time is extremely acidic!
You can find out right now how you should be eating, training, and supplementing for maximum lean muscle mass gains, or you can read on to discover 5 of the most essential foods on a muscle building meal plan.
1. Oatmeal
Oats are great, just make sure you go for raw, rolled oats and not that processed, sugary packaged stuff. The benefits are numerous on a muscle building meal plan. First, they are full of fiber. Second, they have tons of vitamins and minerals which you won't get from processed carb sources. Finally, they are great for a muscle building meal plan because they give you sustained energy in the gym.
2. Avocados
Avocados are also great for a muscle building meal plan for two main reasons. First, since they are a whole vegetable and not just an oil, they contain plenty of vitamins and minerals you can't get from other fat sources. Second, they contain tons of healthy fats that can help regulate hormone levels, promote healthy skin, and most important, build muscle!
3. Red Meat
As long as you go for lean cuts like sirloin and round, red meat is possibly the best muscle building food. It is full of protein, vitamins, iron, and slight amounts of saturated fat. Don't be scared of the fat, either! Saturated fat, in moderate amounts, has been shown to increase testosterone levels without promoting fat gain. Include red meat in your muscle building meal plan.
4. Fatty Fish
Fatty fish like salmon and seabass not only contains tons of protein, but they have essential Omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help promote heart health and proper hormone levels, and they can even help your joints. That is crucial for heavy weight training! Without healthy joints, you won't be able to lift, no matter how recovered your muscles are. Eat some salmon 2-3 times a week in your muscle building meal plan.
5. Green Vegetables
If there's one food that everyone should include in their muscle building meal plan and that will NEVER make you fat, it's green, fibrous vegetables. They have essentially zero net calories, but they are full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They can also assist you with keeping a good pH balance in your body – the protein you eat all the time is extremely acidic!