Acidosis And Its Relationship To Your Health
One of the most common health problems in any American, and in residents of some other countries, is a condition called acidosis.
The human body was designed to be slightly alkaline and doesn't work well if it is not.
This is problem is fed constantly by the typical American diet.
Everything you eat is burned by the body and the eventual residue (called ash) is an indicator of the acidic scale of the food.
If the ash measures acidic, you have the condition known as acidosis.
Proteins (all of them) eventually become acid ash.
Thus, the Atkins diet promotes acidosis.
The American craze for burgers and steaks promote acidosis.
For some, it is not an option.
If you happen to be diabetic, the diet the doctors put you on is heavily protein (the easiest way to maintain low blood sugar).
The diet that would keep your acidity levels where they should be consist mostly of green vegetables and fresh fruits.
It would not contain red meat or pork.
So, What Do I Do About It? One thing that will hasten your recovery from any disease condition is to return the body to an alkaline state.
The herbal supplement manufacturers have several pills and capsules that will be tremendously beneficial in this regard.
You can simply reduce the amount ofprotein substances you ingest and make as many of those proteins as possible vegetable (beans, peas, nuts, etc.
Reduce or eliminate red meat, dairy products (especially cheese), and alcohol from the diet.
Eliminate carbonated beverages from your diet.
Now, NOBODY is going to expect you to completely eliminate everything you have loved all your life from your diet all at once.
You will find, however, that putting yourself on a "one time a week" or "only on Wednesday evening" type diet will begin very quickly to not only reduce your level of acidity, it will reduce your desire for some of the foods you need to be controlling.
None of these stringent elimination diet regimes are expected to last forever.
Many of them should not last forever.
After all, we are not trying to find a way to LIVE WITH THE DISEASE!We are trying to find a way to ELIMINATE DISEASE!Don't approach these diet changes with the attitude of "I refuse to live like that for the rest of my life.
"If you attack the problem seriously and stick with it, you won't be required to do it forever.
When the abnormal condition is gone, re-introduce (slowly and at sensible levels) the eliminated things that you dearly love and still crave.
CAUTION:It will do you no good to heal yourself and then go right back to doing and eating the very things that caused the condition the first place.
LEARN FROM THE EXPERIENCE and you won't be doomed to repeat it.
Author: Dr.
Dennis Raney, N.
This is a serious, but normal health matter.
For a more serious matter, and a lot more information, see my website, www.
The human body was designed to be slightly alkaline and doesn't work well if it is not.
This is problem is fed constantly by the typical American diet.
Everything you eat is burned by the body and the eventual residue (called ash) is an indicator of the acidic scale of the food.
If the ash measures acidic, you have the condition known as acidosis.
Proteins (all of them) eventually become acid ash.
Thus, the Atkins diet promotes acidosis.
The American craze for burgers and steaks promote acidosis.
For some, it is not an option.
If you happen to be diabetic, the diet the doctors put you on is heavily protein (the easiest way to maintain low blood sugar).
The diet that would keep your acidity levels where they should be consist mostly of green vegetables and fresh fruits.
It would not contain red meat or pork.
So, What Do I Do About It? One thing that will hasten your recovery from any disease condition is to return the body to an alkaline state.
The herbal supplement manufacturers have several pills and capsules that will be tremendously beneficial in this regard.
You can simply reduce the amount ofprotein substances you ingest and make as many of those proteins as possible vegetable (beans, peas, nuts, etc.
Reduce or eliminate red meat, dairy products (especially cheese), and alcohol from the diet.
Eliminate carbonated beverages from your diet.
Now, NOBODY is going to expect you to completely eliminate everything you have loved all your life from your diet all at once.
You will find, however, that putting yourself on a "one time a week" or "only on Wednesday evening" type diet will begin very quickly to not only reduce your level of acidity, it will reduce your desire for some of the foods you need to be controlling.
None of these stringent elimination diet regimes are expected to last forever.
Many of them should not last forever.
After all, we are not trying to find a way to LIVE WITH THE DISEASE!We are trying to find a way to ELIMINATE DISEASE!Don't approach these diet changes with the attitude of "I refuse to live like that for the rest of my life.
"If you attack the problem seriously and stick with it, you won't be required to do it forever.
When the abnormal condition is gone, re-introduce (slowly and at sensible levels) the eliminated things that you dearly love and still crave.
CAUTION:It will do you no good to heal yourself and then go right back to doing and eating the very things that caused the condition the first place.
LEARN FROM THE EXPERIENCE and you won't be doomed to repeat it.
Author: Dr.
Dennis Raney, N.
This is a serious, but normal health matter.
For a more serious matter, and a lot more information, see my website, www.