How to Handle Bullies - At Any Age
Have you been bullied, abused, dumped, laid off, fired, divorced, or made to feel less than you truly are? Then you need to get "invincible."
Let me tell you a story about invincible energy. Many years ago, while I was in Atlanta for a business conference, I visited a childhood friend. She, her daughter, and I were sitting at the kitchen table. My friend left for a brief moment to answer the telephone. Her daughter, who was around six-years-old, started staring at me intently. All of a sudden, I felt this intense pull, as if she had attached a tractor beam to me. A tractor beam is a science fiction [Star Trek] device with the ability to invisibly attract one object to another from a distance.
Like a cat, I started clawing the kitchen table, trying to resist being moved. She had enough mental power and energy to move me physically. Lucky for me, her mother appeared from the hallway and called her name, breaking her concentration. I do not know if her mother knew that her daughter had this power or not. I wasted little time in saying goodbye. I was embarrassed at being over powered by a little girl but curious about the amount of energy that this child possessed.
This is a rather extreme example of energy and having this much energy may not be your goal. However, it is possible. The amount of energy that you can generate in your body is virtually limitless. Imagine what you could do with limitless energy.
Keys to Invincible Energy
Raise Your Level of Intensity
There is a common axiom among champions that goes like this, "Winners train until they get it right, but a champion trains until they can't get it wrong". To get invincible energy, you need to exercise, eat, sleep and meditate with the mindset of a champion. Some recommendations to raise your level of exercise intensity: shorter but more intense cardio (i.e., walking uphill for 10 or more minutes at a brisk pace, cycling for 20 minutes or more at 120 revolutions per minute); resistance training with less weight and fewer, slower repetitions; staying in yoga poses longer while breathing more deeply.
Stop Taking Drugs
Get back to basic food. Consider the amounts of stimulants (sugar, caffeine, etc.), pesticides, supplements, genetic modifications, hormones, processing, etc. that go into the foods that we consume. While it is impossible for everyone to agree on how much is too much, it is safe to say that less is better. I am not advocating that everyone go on an all organic, free-range, supplement-free or vegan diet. However, I do recommend that you focus on foods that truly energize your body; and digest easily and completely.
Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
My father always said that. That is what you would expect from a devout Baptist. Nonetheless, when it comes to having great energy, he was on to something. In all my years of training, the one thing that I have observed in myself and in others is that a clean body conducts energy much better than a body that is clogged with impurities (mucus, waste, etc.). If you want to know what a clean body looks like, just picture an Olympic gymnast, swimmer, skater, or track and field athlete.
Stand in the Middle of the Tornado
A constant stream of whirling thoughts and worries will zap your energy and cause you to act out of fear. Bullies feed on fear. Take 5 to 15 deep breaths whenever you catch yourself in the winds of tornado-like thoughts. Focus your mind on a relaxing travel destination or, if you can, nothing at all. This will bring you to the center of the tornado where there is peace and strength.
It is possible to become" invincible" and it does not take a long time.
Let me tell you a story about invincible energy. Many years ago, while I was in Atlanta for a business conference, I visited a childhood friend. She, her daughter, and I were sitting at the kitchen table. My friend left for a brief moment to answer the telephone. Her daughter, who was around six-years-old, started staring at me intently. All of a sudden, I felt this intense pull, as if she had attached a tractor beam to me. A tractor beam is a science fiction [Star Trek] device with the ability to invisibly attract one object to another from a distance.
Like a cat, I started clawing the kitchen table, trying to resist being moved. She had enough mental power and energy to move me physically. Lucky for me, her mother appeared from the hallway and called her name, breaking her concentration. I do not know if her mother knew that her daughter had this power or not. I wasted little time in saying goodbye. I was embarrassed at being over powered by a little girl but curious about the amount of energy that this child possessed.
This is a rather extreme example of energy and having this much energy may not be your goal. However, it is possible. The amount of energy that you can generate in your body is virtually limitless. Imagine what you could do with limitless energy.
Keys to Invincible Energy
Raise Your Level of Intensity
There is a common axiom among champions that goes like this, "Winners train until they get it right, but a champion trains until they can't get it wrong". To get invincible energy, you need to exercise, eat, sleep and meditate with the mindset of a champion. Some recommendations to raise your level of exercise intensity: shorter but more intense cardio (i.e., walking uphill for 10 or more minutes at a brisk pace, cycling for 20 minutes or more at 120 revolutions per minute); resistance training with less weight and fewer, slower repetitions; staying in yoga poses longer while breathing more deeply.
Stop Taking Drugs
Get back to basic food. Consider the amounts of stimulants (sugar, caffeine, etc.), pesticides, supplements, genetic modifications, hormones, processing, etc. that go into the foods that we consume. While it is impossible for everyone to agree on how much is too much, it is safe to say that less is better. I am not advocating that everyone go on an all organic, free-range, supplement-free or vegan diet. However, I do recommend that you focus on foods that truly energize your body; and digest easily and completely.
Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
My father always said that. That is what you would expect from a devout Baptist. Nonetheless, when it comes to having great energy, he was on to something. In all my years of training, the one thing that I have observed in myself and in others is that a clean body conducts energy much better than a body that is clogged with impurities (mucus, waste, etc.). If you want to know what a clean body looks like, just picture an Olympic gymnast, swimmer, skater, or track and field athlete.
Stand in the Middle of the Tornado
A constant stream of whirling thoughts and worries will zap your energy and cause you to act out of fear. Bullies feed on fear. Take 5 to 15 deep breaths whenever you catch yourself in the winds of tornado-like thoughts. Focus your mind on a relaxing travel destination or, if you can, nothing at all. This will bring you to the center of the tornado where there is peace and strength.
It is possible to become" invincible" and it does not take a long time.