What Are the Best Known Natural Cures?
There are many great natural remedies out there that don't require a doctor visit or an expensive prescription.
Simply purchase a natural cures book and you will have thousands of low-cost, natural remedies to the most common problems.
Natural cures can be found by using herbs, spices, and citrus fruits you probably already have in your home.
Some cures are also known as "old wives tales" but they actually work.
For instance, drinking hot herbal tea works to alleviate the symptoms of the common cold.
Add some honey to your tea to naturally calm down a sore throat.
Aloe Vera is great for minor burns, and it's inexpensive to go out and buy a bottle for around the home.
There are many natural cures out there for your use, cures that are natural and cost very little out of pocket money.
Like Chamomile tea which is great for digestive problems or gas.
Coffee or caffeine are really great for alertness and to keep you awake, but did you know it also works for pain relief? Some of the most "secret" ingredients in aspirin is actually caffeine.
Coffee can also be used as a decongestant during cold and flu season.
The caffeine helps open up the bronchial tubes.
Most people have endless supplies of coffee at their home or office and it sure beats gross cherry flavored syrup you get in the pharmacy.
In this day and age, we are all so supped up on medications and vitamins and supplement because we feel they are necessary to our health.
In reality, many of these products aren't healthy and can be the cause of many of our other health concerns.
Simply purchase a natural cures book and you will have thousands of low-cost, natural remedies to the most common problems.
Natural cures can be found by using herbs, spices, and citrus fruits you probably already have in your home.
Some cures are also known as "old wives tales" but they actually work.
For instance, drinking hot herbal tea works to alleviate the symptoms of the common cold.
Add some honey to your tea to naturally calm down a sore throat.
Aloe Vera is great for minor burns, and it's inexpensive to go out and buy a bottle for around the home.
There are many natural cures out there for your use, cures that are natural and cost very little out of pocket money.
Like Chamomile tea which is great for digestive problems or gas.
Coffee or caffeine are really great for alertness and to keep you awake, but did you know it also works for pain relief? Some of the most "secret" ingredients in aspirin is actually caffeine.
Coffee can also be used as a decongestant during cold and flu season.
The caffeine helps open up the bronchial tubes.
Most people have endless supplies of coffee at their home or office and it sure beats gross cherry flavored syrup you get in the pharmacy.
In this day and age, we are all so supped up on medications and vitamins and supplement because we feel they are necessary to our health.
In reality, many of these products aren't healthy and can be the cause of many of our other health concerns.