I Cheated My Way Thin - I Can Now Look At Myself In The Mirror And Not Feel Ashamed!
If you are reading this article, then I know you are in the same boat as I was a few months back.
I was so fat that I didn't even want to see myself in the mirror.
I knew I was fat, no doubt, but I couldn't figure out why I was fat.
I'd get hungry for a cookie, candy, cake, or donut and that is all that would stay on my mind.
Then what would I do? Yes, you guessed it.
I'd make a trip to the store and get whatever I was hungry for.
Of course, I wouldn't wait until I got home to start munching on it either! I would be so embarrassed at times at how much I could eat.
I realized it was because I was trying to do totally without that food and it was making me think about it more and more.
My body seemed to just crave for it even more.
So I would give in and satisfy my body's yearnings.
Then when I'd step on the scales I would have gained more weight.
This was a never ending circle.
Then I realized I cannot do this anymore.
I have to figure out what I need to do to lose weight.
I read and researched and found out it wasn't the food that made me gain weight.
I was doing myself more harm than good by depriving myself of these things I loved to eat!!! Yes you heard it right.
I am very pleased with the results and I have lost lots of weight and I feel so much better about myself.
I look at myself in the mirror with amazement at how much I have lost and how easy it is when I do not deprive myself of the things I love to eat.
I was so fat that I didn't even want to see myself in the mirror.
I knew I was fat, no doubt, but I couldn't figure out why I was fat.
I'd get hungry for a cookie, candy, cake, or donut and that is all that would stay on my mind.
Then what would I do? Yes, you guessed it.
I'd make a trip to the store and get whatever I was hungry for.
Of course, I wouldn't wait until I got home to start munching on it either! I would be so embarrassed at times at how much I could eat.
I realized it was because I was trying to do totally without that food and it was making me think about it more and more.
My body seemed to just crave for it even more.
So I would give in and satisfy my body's yearnings.
Then when I'd step on the scales I would have gained more weight.
This was a never ending circle.
Then I realized I cannot do this anymore.
I have to figure out what I need to do to lose weight.
I read and researched and found out it wasn't the food that made me gain weight.
I was doing myself more harm than good by depriving myself of these things I loved to eat!!! Yes you heard it right.
I am very pleased with the results and I have lost lots of weight and I feel so much better about myself.
I look at myself in the mirror with amazement at how much I have lost and how easy it is when I do not deprive myself of the things I love to eat.