Natural Cures For Gum Disease - Causes and Symptoms
Gum disease is a condition in which there is an infection and an inflammation in the gums, tissue which is deeply supported and also the bone surrounding the teeth.
We also know the gum disease by the name of periodontal disease.
Usually it starts with a formation of plaque on the teeth.
Plaque is the coating of the sticky white substance over the teeth.
When saliva and residue of the sugar and starchy foods from our diet mixes with bacteria in the mouth then there is a formation of plaque.
It is very necessary to clean the plaque from our teeth by brushing or flossing otherwise it will become harder and change into tartar.
It is very difficult to remove the tartar.
You have to consult dentist for cleaning the tartar.
Over the period this infection will convert into gingivitis.
You can suffer from bleeding from your gum while brushing or flossing.
For this problem you must consult to professional for cleaning your teeth.
If someone suffers from bleeding as well as pain then there is a possibility of spreading infection and inflammation in the deeper tissue and bone which is also called periodontitis.
Some of the major symptoms of gum disease are that a person suffers from red, swollen gums.
Teeth become loose and the space between the teeth also widens.
A person suffers from a chronic bad breath, receding gums and bleeding while brushing or flossing.
Some of the natural remedies for gum disease are given below - 1.
Vitamin C - Deficiency of vitamin C is directly related with the gum disease.
Higher rates of periodontal disease are found among the peoples with low intake of vitamin C.
Vitamin C helps in repairing the connective tissue and the bone generation is also accelerated as it is an oxidant.
Increase the intake of fruits and foods which are rich in vitamin C like oranges, grapefruit, strawberry, mango, papaya, Brussels sprouts, broccoli etc.
Vitamin D - It reduces the susceptibility to have gum disease as it has anti-inflammatory effects.
The most exposure of vitamin D is the sun exposure.
The person with higher levels of vitamin D and suffering from gingivitis experiences less bleeding from the gums.
If anyone suffers from stress then there is an accumulation of plaque.
Stress is also directly related to plaque and the gum bleeding.
Cranberry - It prevents the bacteria from sticking the teeth.
It is available in any of the food store in the form of juice.
Go for juice with no added sugar.
We also know the gum disease by the name of periodontal disease.
Usually it starts with a formation of plaque on the teeth.
Plaque is the coating of the sticky white substance over the teeth.
When saliva and residue of the sugar and starchy foods from our diet mixes with bacteria in the mouth then there is a formation of plaque.
It is very necessary to clean the plaque from our teeth by brushing or flossing otherwise it will become harder and change into tartar.
It is very difficult to remove the tartar.
You have to consult dentist for cleaning the tartar.
Over the period this infection will convert into gingivitis.
You can suffer from bleeding from your gum while brushing or flossing.
For this problem you must consult to professional for cleaning your teeth.
If someone suffers from bleeding as well as pain then there is a possibility of spreading infection and inflammation in the deeper tissue and bone which is also called periodontitis.
Some of the major symptoms of gum disease are that a person suffers from red, swollen gums.
Teeth become loose and the space between the teeth also widens.
A person suffers from a chronic bad breath, receding gums and bleeding while brushing or flossing.
Some of the natural remedies for gum disease are given below - 1.
Vitamin C - Deficiency of vitamin C is directly related with the gum disease.
Higher rates of periodontal disease are found among the peoples with low intake of vitamin C.
Vitamin C helps in repairing the connective tissue and the bone generation is also accelerated as it is an oxidant.
Increase the intake of fruits and foods which are rich in vitamin C like oranges, grapefruit, strawberry, mango, papaya, Brussels sprouts, broccoli etc.
Vitamin D - It reduces the susceptibility to have gum disease as it has anti-inflammatory effects.
The most exposure of vitamin D is the sun exposure.
The person with higher levels of vitamin D and suffering from gingivitis experiences less bleeding from the gums.
If anyone suffers from stress then there is an accumulation of plaque.
Stress is also directly related to plaque and the gum bleeding.
Cranberry - It prevents the bacteria from sticking the teeth.
It is available in any of the food store in the form of juice.
Go for juice with no added sugar.