How to Be Successful - And Get What You Want!
Whenever you want something, simply focus on getting it.
Keep your mind on what you want.
Negative thinking stops most of us ever fully achieving all the things we set our hearts on.
Let me give you some examples.
Take a golfer who wants to hole a 3 foot putt.
All they simply have to do, is focus on the job at hand and keep a clear picture in their MIND of how they would like the outcome/result to be.
In this case it's the ball dropping into the bottom of the hole.
Now anyone who plays golf will be aware that little negative voices can easily creep into your head.
Fear of failing alters our focus and redirects it to the opposite of what we wish to achieve.
The golfer worries that he or she will miss the putt.
They create pictures of missing the putt before it has actually happened.
So when they step up to make a putt they will lose focus and concentration.
Their mind will now be thinking of missing and not on actually focusing on the job of what they want; which is holing the putt! How many times are you "missing the putts" on the things that you want in life? We could all have so much more in our lives if we simply learn to focus better on what we want.
It is no coincidence that the most successful people in their vocations all share the same common denominator: FOCUS.
They all have learnt to concentrate with a single minded intensity, without being distracted or distracting themselves.
They have the ability to keep their minds on what that they want and have to do in order to get the result they are looking for.
In short if you want to be successful you have to be able to CONCENTRATE.
Get ready for this as I am about to divulge the most important principle in this book on success.
"The single most important factor to being successful is FOCUS" This is such an important statement that i want you to absorb it and never forget as this one idea WILL change your life! Here it is again: "The single most important factor to being successful is FOCUS" Everything that you do you should do with focus.
If you want to have a better relationship with your spouse then FOCUS on your relationship and FOCUS on what and how you would like your relationship to be.
NEVER consider or EVER think about what you fear what you do not want your relationship to be or is! If you want to be more successful in your professional life then FOCUS on it and FOCUS on what and how you would like your professional life to be.
NEVER consider or EVER think about what you fear you do not want your professional life to be or is! If you want to be healthy then FOCUS on your health see yourself as this leaner fitter more attractive person.
Get the idea? Focus on whatever you want, and only ever allow yourself to picture that of what you want.
All of our desires are based on future outcomes, you will need to practise visualisation seeing yourself achieving the goal.
You also need to cement your focus by reinforcing your desire with positive self affirmations.
Keep telling yourself with positive self talk that you can and will achieve your goal.
So if your desire is to have say a better relationship with your partner.
Then focus on it, visualise having a good relationship, and then tell yourself that you will have a great relationship.
Tell yourself your relationship is strong - Ii can turn this relationship round- etc..
Many people have a hard time with this notion, and see it as some psycho babble they see it as stupid and a waste of time.
Well if that is the case then how comes few people would disagree that if you tell yourself you are going to fail at something invariably you will? Most of us talk negatively to ourselves so why do we have such a hard time believing that if we talk positively to ourselves its silly? Instead of FOCUSING on what they want, in this case a better relationship, they focus on what they do not want i.
a bad relationship.
They also confirm this bad relationship by affirming it to themselves with negative self talk, like my relationship is so bad-owe are always fighting- my relationship is making me unhappy- owe are not getting on-! If we think like this then what do you expect your relationship to be like? I think most people can accept and understand that negative thinking brings negative results, yet strangely for the exact opposite behaviour people have a hard time believing that positive thinking and positive self talk is nonsense and makes no difference! Most people do not realise that they are talking to themselves all day long on a multitude of subjects, and a lot of this self talk is negative.
You need to readdress this balance and learn to talk to yourself only in super exaggerated positive self talk, focus on your desired outcomes and watch your world change! Wesley Andrews Author of My Best Friend RALFH
Keep your mind on what you want.
Negative thinking stops most of us ever fully achieving all the things we set our hearts on.
Let me give you some examples.
Take a golfer who wants to hole a 3 foot putt.
All they simply have to do, is focus on the job at hand and keep a clear picture in their MIND of how they would like the outcome/result to be.
In this case it's the ball dropping into the bottom of the hole.
Now anyone who plays golf will be aware that little negative voices can easily creep into your head.
Fear of failing alters our focus and redirects it to the opposite of what we wish to achieve.
The golfer worries that he or she will miss the putt.
They create pictures of missing the putt before it has actually happened.
So when they step up to make a putt they will lose focus and concentration.
Their mind will now be thinking of missing and not on actually focusing on the job of what they want; which is holing the putt! How many times are you "missing the putts" on the things that you want in life? We could all have so much more in our lives if we simply learn to focus better on what we want.
It is no coincidence that the most successful people in their vocations all share the same common denominator: FOCUS.
They all have learnt to concentrate with a single minded intensity, without being distracted or distracting themselves.
They have the ability to keep their minds on what that they want and have to do in order to get the result they are looking for.
In short if you want to be successful you have to be able to CONCENTRATE.
Get ready for this as I am about to divulge the most important principle in this book on success.
"The single most important factor to being successful is FOCUS" This is such an important statement that i want you to absorb it and never forget as this one idea WILL change your life! Here it is again: "The single most important factor to being successful is FOCUS" Everything that you do you should do with focus.
If you want to have a better relationship with your spouse then FOCUS on your relationship and FOCUS on what and how you would like your relationship to be.
NEVER consider or EVER think about what you fear what you do not want your relationship to be or is! If you want to be more successful in your professional life then FOCUS on it and FOCUS on what and how you would like your professional life to be.
NEVER consider or EVER think about what you fear you do not want your professional life to be or is! If you want to be healthy then FOCUS on your health see yourself as this leaner fitter more attractive person.
Get the idea? Focus on whatever you want, and only ever allow yourself to picture that of what you want.
All of our desires are based on future outcomes, you will need to practise visualisation seeing yourself achieving the goal.
You also need to cement your focus by reinforcing your desire with positive self affirmations.
Keep telling yourself with positive self talk that you can and will achieve your goal.
So if your desire is to have say a better relationship with your partner.
Then focus on it, visualise having a good relationship, and then tell yourself that you will have a great relationship.
Tell yourself your relationship is strong - Ii can turn this relationship round- etc..
Many people have a hard time with this notion, and see it as some psycho babble they see it as stupid and a waste of time.
Well if that is the case then how comes few people would disagree that if you tell yourself you are going to fail at something invariably you will? Most of us talk negatively to ourselves so why do we have such a hard time believing that if we talk positively to ourselves its silly? Instead of FOCUSING on what they want, in this case a better relationship, they focus on what they do not want i.
a bad relationship.
They also confirm this bad relationship by affirming it to themselves with negative self talk, like my relationship is so bad-owe are always fighting- my relationship is making me unhappy- owe are not getting on-! If we think like this then what do you expect your relationship to be like? I think most people can accept and understand that negative thinking brings negative results, yet strangely for the exact opposite behaviour people have a hard time believing that positive thinking and positive self talk is nonsense and makes no difference! Most people do not realise that they are talking to themselves all day long on a multitude of subjects, and a lot of this self talk is negative.
You need to readdress this balance and learn to talk to yourself only in super exaggerated positive self talk, focus on your desired outcomes and watch your world change! Wesley Andrews Author of My Best Friend RALFH