Excellence Is Not An Act
If you tell me what your habits are, I can predict how your life will look like 5 years from now!!! Here is a nice quote that I learned from my mentor Mike Litman, "People form habits and habits form futures" This is very true.
If your habits reflect the person you want to become in the future, then you are on the right track.
On the other side, if your habits reflect a totally different person than who you should be to achieve your dreams, then you are limiting your chances to live a rewarding life.
Aristotle has nice words of wisdom on the power of habits.
He says, "We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
" Success is a journey not a destination.
You have to develop the right habits.
You need to develop the habits that match with the person who you aim to become.
A heavy smoker can't achieve a dream of being an inspirational leader of a healthy life style!!! To excel and achieve everlasting success, you need to develop a group of supporting habits that will take you on autopilot to your dreams.
To change your habits, you must first change your thoughts.
Your thoughts shape your actions and your actions become your habits.
Feed your mind with great ideas and words of wisdom and put them into action.
Accordingly, you will start recognizing dramatic improvements in your life.
The quality of your life is directly proportional to the quality of your thoughts and the habits you develop according to those thoughts.
You're what you repeatedly do.
Choose your thoughts carefully, take the right actions and develop the best habits to put yourself on the fast track of everlasting success.
Every action you take now will have an impact on your future.
If you want to live an extraordinary life, create everlasting success and leave a legacy, then you need to develop the habits of giants who are difference makers all around!
If your habits reflect the person you want to become in the future, then you are on the right track.
On the other side, if your habits reflect a totally different person than who you should be to achieve your dreams, then you are limiting your chances to live a rewarding life.
Aristotle has nice words of wisdom on the power of habits.
He says, "We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
" Success is a journey not a destination.
You have to develop the right habits.
You need to develop the habits that match with the person who you aim to become.
A heavy smoker can't achieve a dream of being an inspirational leader of a healthy life style!!! To excel and achieve everlasting success, you need to develop a group of supporting habits that will take you on autopilot to your dreams.
To change your habits, you must first change your thoughts.
Your thoughts shape your actions and your actions become your habits.
Feed your mind with great ideas and words of wisdom and put them into action.
Accordingly, you will start recognizing dramatic improvements in your life.
The quality of your life is directly proportional to the quality of your thoughts and the habits you develop according to those thoughts.
You're what you repeatedly do.
Choose your thoughts carefully, take the right actions and develop the best habits to put yourself on the fast track of everlasting success.
Every action you take now will have an impact on your future.
If you want to live an extraordinary life, create everlasting success and leave a legacy, then you need to develop the habits of giants who are difference makers all around!