Oolong Tea - Seven Interesting Facts
When it comes to traditional tea, we have four main types, black, oolong, green, and white.
Each main classification can branch out into literally thousands of varieties, each one having its own distinct characteristic.
All tea can provide wonderful flavor, offer many health benefits, and give folks a lifetime of sipping enjoyment.
So, brew a cup, sit back, and learn 7 interesting facts about the increasingly popular oolong tea.
1) Along with its three cousins, Oolong originates from the same Camellia sinensis tea plant.
Ultimately, it is the processing and fermentation that leaves go through which will determine what type they will become.
Our oolong class is a mix between black and green tea.
2) Once the leaves of oolong are plucked, and "bruised" so as to break them up which releases oil, the oxidation process can be anywhere from 10 to 70 percent, depending on the specific variety.
This type of tea is the only one that goes through such a broad range of fermentation.
3) Like green tea, oolong tea contains plant polyphenols that can aid in weight loss.
For several years, and even to date, the green tea diet has captured the attention of thousands trying to naturally lose weight.
However, as of late oolong tea has taken center stage, and several studies have shown it to be a greater calorie-burner than green tea.
4) China and Taiwan are the two countries this tea is most commonly cultivated in.
Chinese varieties give us a more darker and "woody" tasting cup, where as the Taiwanese varieties produce a lighter, more floral tasting brew.
5) Oolong tea is also known as "Wu long tea".
Since there are two methods to Romanize Mandarin Characters, we get different spellings.
Wu long is the Pinyin translation, and Oolong the Wades Giles system.
Other names for oolong are brown tea and rock tea.
6) Although there can be hundreds, popular varieties are, Wu-yi tea, Formosa oolong, Ti Kuan Yin, and Pouchong.
Each one offers a tea drinker distinct characteristics, full flavor, and many health benefits such as lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, strengthening the immune system, fighting free radicals, and even help with preventing tumor growth.
7) And finally, the most important oolong tea fact of all is...
it is best enjoyed when carefully prepared using whole loose leaves! Folks can expect superior aroma, flavor, and health benefits utilizing this method! That last one is crucial! Tea bags will not offer much flavor or benefits since they contain old pieces of dried up "tea dust" called fannings.
It is because of this that many folks may get a wrong first impression on what could have been a wonderful flavorsome cup!
Each main classification can branch out into literally thousands of varieties, each one having its own distinct characteristic.
All tea can provide wonderful flavor, offer many health benefits, and give folks a lifetime of sipping enjoyment.
So, brew a cup, sit back, and learn 7 interesting facts about the increasingly popular oolong tea.
1) Along with its three cousins, Oolong originates from the same Camellia sinensis tea plant.
Ultimately, it is the processing and fermentation that leaves go through which will determine what type they will become.
Our oolong class is a mix between black and green tea.
2) Once the leaves of oolong are plucked, and "bruised" so as to break them up which releases oil, the oxidation process can be anywhere from 10 to 70 percent, depending on the specific variety.
This type of tea is the only one that goes through such a broad range of fermentation.
3) Like green tea, oolong tea contains plant polyphenols that can aid in weight loss.
For several years, and even to date, the green tea diet has captured the attention of thousands trying to naturally lose weight.
However, as of late oolong tea has taken center stage, and several studies have shown it to be a greater calorie-burner than green tea.
4) China and Taiwan are the two countries this tea is most commonly cultivated in.
Chinese varieties give us a more darker and "woody" tasting cup, where as the Taiwanese varieties produce a lighter, more floral tasting brew.
5) Oolong tea is also known as "Wu long tea".
Since there are two methods to Romanize Mandarin Characters, we get different spellings.
Wu long is the Pinyin translation, and Oolong the Wades Giles system.
Other names for oolong are brown tea and rock tea.
6) Although there can be hundreds, popular varieties are, Wu-yi tea, Formosa oolong, Ti Kuan Yin, and Pouchong.
Each one offers a tea drinker distinct characteristics, full flavor, and many health benefits such as lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, strengthening the immune system, fighting free radicals, and even help with preventing tumor growth.
7) And finally, the most important oolong tea fact of all is...
it is best enjoyed when carefully prepared using whole loose leaves! Folks can expect superior aroma, flavor, and health benefits utilizing this method! That last one is crucial! Tea bags will not offer much flavor or benefits since they contain old pieces of dried up "tea dust" called fannings.
It is because of this that many folks may get a wrong first impression on what could have been a wonderful flavorsome cup!