Pro Golf Tech-The Golf Course Addict
What is it about golf that is so contagious? Why is it that we take this game so seriously? How come we are drawn to the golf courses like moths to the flames? All these questions can be answered with one simple answer. It is human nature to be competitive and to crave entertainment. You crave the smell of fresh cut greens, you love the feel of power that your mega driver gives when you step up to the tee. Oh, and let us not forget that unquenchable urge to pilot that stylish yet macho war wagon that transports us and our assorted weapons of warfare the golf bag, golf shoes, golf clubs, putters , drivers, tees, balls and infantry around the green battlefield. All arrayed in our uniforms looking like an adfomercial for the local Golf Pro Shop. The anticipation of putting your war stratagies, that took all week to mastermind, into play.Yea buddy, you have planned on how to avoid the sand traps,bunkers, navigate the waterways, shorts to the tin cup, every detail planned out to a tee. Finally saturday morning tee time has arrived and so have you. You have met up with the hand picked victims of your crusade. The General is in command, your strategy is paying off. The first three is yours without retaliation.Then it happens, around the fifth hole your carefully planned out war stratagy has gone to crap. The pressure is now on and the victor falls prey to the victim again by the eighteenth hole. But like a true warrior, you never give up, you will not be taken a P.O.W. The last words of the evening that are forced from the brain to quivering vocal chords across a stuttering tounge and through your thin stretched lips "I have not yet began to play. You don't let your adversaries know that it is eating you alive. Now the routine starts all over again you begin the the war plans for next weekend. Guess what you are a full blown golf addict looking for the next golf fix. You have now become a member of the G.A. A. If you are not fimilar with this group, you will be before long. It is widely known as the Golf Addicts Anonymous. The help line number is 1.800.whens the next tee time, or you can go to the following web address: This is all in the context of humor, but how close to the truth is it really? Just a thought for meditation.
Golf is not just a game to everyone. The golf course is the modern day board room, the office, and the cafe where promotions are given and taken away. It is the million dollar contract awarding ceremonial grounds. You see golf is a game of strategy, skill and composure. How you perform on the course tells a lot about you as a leader, manager and planner. Some will disagree with that statement and there is some grounds to base that argument. But you have to understand that being from both sides of the fence I have seen it and actually have been apart of these meetings. I have set in on contract award meetings that were never signed or awarded until a game or two of golf was played. I have been on the golf course among the swinging clubs, the whizzing golf balls, the six hundred dollar golf shoes and the humming golf carts when promotions to top assignments were handed out. At times that decision was not arrived at with ones true abiltity in mind. With all this said, in my opinion this is just one more reason that a person should strive to be the best golf stratagists or artists that they can be. You need to know when to take it and when to dish it out. Plan the times when to lay up or when to excel and burn up the course. Study who you are playing with, they may just be the one that helps you move up from the street of struggle to the avenues of abundance. The next time your spouse gets ticked off when you say you are going for a round of golf, just say, Honey I am going out to get the kids college fund, your new home, and I will be back for supper.
--------------------------------It has been said that the game of golf was the game of kings and noblemen.Well things have changed since that statement was made. We have to rephrase that saying to, golf is the game of king, queens, nobles and all the rest of us too. For the beginning let us say you get invited to play golf with your boss, a buddy or vendor to play in a shot gun golf tourney. You have your reservations about going out all day long hitting a little white golf ball around with a golf club that you don't have a clue whether it is pitching wedge, a driver, or putter. In your mind you are thinking I could be fishing,hunting, gardening, or doing honey do's around the house and get more bang for the buck. But its your best buddy or boss so you might ought to go play just to be polite. Hey, they probably just need a mule oops, I meant a caddy to carry that golf bag around and fetch the brewskies. You meet at seven a.m. and hit the greens by eight thirty and around 4th hole you realize you are actually having fun. Then somewhere around the nineth hole you are really thinking that maybe there is something to this thing called golf. Yep, by the fifteenth hole you are thinking this was worth the trip and you are gettin the hang of this game. The kicker is you find yourself trying to beat the self appointed pros that invited you to come. The eighteenth hole and guess what you are hooked like a large mouth bass on a spinnerbait. The day after you are still meditating on that new found addiction. You got up before the rest of the family, got your cup of coffee and your are now perched in front of the computer hitting the search engines with a purpose. You hit all the golf sites researching the price of golf clubs, golf shoes, golf bags, tees, golf balls, and Lord forbid we would forget the lucky golden golfing glove of champions. Oh man you got it bad, dude. Yep, but what the heck, you needed another hobby right?
So you are hooked on the game of golf and it is still fun and then the "reality" there is more to this game than just trying to see how far you can hit the little white ball. It has become a game of precision, control, stratagies and total composure. You have now earned the right to use the golf vocabulary. You use phrases like I bogied the forth hole, I birdied the sixth hole, I eagled the thirteenth and got a hole in one on the eighteenth. You are shooting the high 70s and then right out of the blue it happens. For some reason you just peaked out. You start asking around if anyone else ever experienced this type of trauma. You try everything your peers suggested and you even get worse at the game of hit and miss golf. Is it your golf stance or your swing technique at the tee. Why is it you can not get anymore distance out of your drive? Why are you hooking left or slicing right? Do you need to stand behind the ball or in front of the ball to get lift and distance? Maybe it is your weight distribution during you swing. Guess what your buddies are not going to tell you their secretes to how they beat the golf socks off you every time you play. Hey, don't worry, you are not the only golfer that has rowed that boat. Every person that has played the game has kicked their golf balls, bent their drivers, punished their putters, even tore up the grass at one time or more. You are not alone. So if you are the one that keeps getting the golf balls handed to him/her on a silver platter more often than not? Well don't give up on that desire to be a winner. There is enough information on the subject of playing pro golf that you could do research from now to end of man. I will save you a lot of time researching, take my word for it I have found the ultimate guide to playing golf. And it comes with a gaurantee. This e-guide is for the beginner and the unteachable know it all too. I have been able to improve my game over thirty percent in one season. I don't get to play that much anymore and if it helped me that much think what it can do for you. If you are already good then you can be playing like a golf pro in no time. So if you want these kind of results or even better results than I had, do yourself a favor and invest in your game. I want to tell you a little bit about the darkside of golf. Just read on even if you think you are the pro that needs no help at all. I have news for you too. You have got to get this E-book now while it is available. It is the beginners guide to becoming a pro and the pros guide to becoming a better pro. Clink on the link below now, you have nothing to loose. It is gauranteed.
Success with Golf Pro Club
What is it about golf that is so contagious? Why is it that we take this game so seriously? How come we are drawn to the golf courses like moths to the flames? All these questions can be answered with one simple answer. It is human nature to be competitive and to crave entertainment. You crave the smell of fresh cut greens, you love the feel of power that your mega driver gives when you step up to the tee. Oh, and let us not forget that unquenchable urge to pilot that stylish yet macho war wagon that transports us and our assorted weapons of warfare the golf bag, golf shoes, golf clubs, putters , drivers, tees, balls and infantry around the green battlefield. All arrayed in our uniforms looking like an adfomercial for the local Golf Pro Shop. The anticipation of putting your war stratagies, that took all week to mastermind, into play.Yea buddy, you have planned on how to avoid the sand traps,bunkers, navigate the waterways, shorts to the tin cup, every detail planned out to a tee. Finally saturday morning tee time has arrived and so have you. You have met up with the hand picked victims of your crusade. The General is in command, your strategy is paying off. The first three is yours without retaliation.Then it happens, around the fifth hole your carefully planned out war stratagy has gone to crap. The pressure is now on and the victor falls prey to the victim again by the eighteenth hole. But like a true warrior, you never give up, you will not be taken a P.O.W. The last words of the evening that are forced from the brain to quivering vocal chords across a stuttering tounge and through your thin stretched lips "I have not yet began to play. You don't let your adversaries know that it is eating you alive. Now the routine starts all over again you begin the the war plans for next weekend. Guess what you are a full blown golf addict looking for the next golf fix. You have now become a member of the G.A. A. If you are not fimilar with this group, you will be before long. It is widely known as the Golf Addicts Anonymous. The help line number is 1.800.whens the next tee time, or you can go to the following web address: This is all in the context of humor, but how close to the truth is it really? Just a thought for meditation.
Golf is not just a game to everyone. The golf course is the modern day board room, the office, and the cafe where promotions are given and taken away. It is the million dollar contract awarding ceremonial grounds. You see golf is a game of strategy, skill and composure. How you perform on the course tells a lot about you as a leader, manager and planner. Some will disagree with that statement and there is some grounds to base that argument. But you have to understand that being from both sides of the fence I have seen it and actually have been apart of these meetings. I have set in on contract award meetings that were never signed or awarded until a game or two of golf was played. I have been on the golf course among the swinging clubs, the whizzing golf balls, the six hundred dollar golf shoes and the humming golf carts when promotions to top assignments were handed out. At times that decision was not arrived at with ones true abiltity in mind. With all this said, in my opinion this is just one more reason that a person should strive to be the best golf stratagists or artists that they can be. You need to know when to take it and when to dish it out. Plan the times when to lay up or when to excel and burn up the course. Study who you are playing with, they may just be the one that helps you move up from the street of struggle to the avenues of abundance. The next time your spouse gets ticked off when you say you are going for a round of golf, just say, Honey I am going out to get the kids college fund, your new home, and I will be back for supper.
--------------------------------It has been said that the game of golf was the game of kings and noblemen.Well things have changed since that statement was made. We have to rephrase that saying to, golf is the game of king, queens, nobles and all the rest of us too. For the beginning let us say you get invited to play golf with your boss, a buddy or vendor to play in a shot gun golf tourney. You have your reservations about going out all day long hitting a little white golf ball around with a golf club that you don't have a clue whether it is pitching wedge, a driver, or putter. In your mind you are thinking I could be fishing,hunting, gardening, or doing honey do's around the house and get more bang for the buck. But its your best buddy or boss so you might ought to go play just to be polite. Hey, they probably just need a mule oops, I meant a caddy to carry that golf bag around and fetch the brewskies. You meet at seven a.m. and hit the greens by eight thirty and around 4th hole you realize you are actually having fun. Then somewhere around the nineth hole you are really thinking that maybe there is something to this thing called golf. Yep, by the fifteenth hole you are thinking this was worth the trip and you are gettin the hang of this game. The kicker is you find yourself trying to beat the self appointed pros that invited you to come. The eighteenth hole and guess what you are hooked like a large mouth bass on a spinnerbait. The day after you are still meditating on that new found addiction. You got up before the rest of the family, got your cup of coffee and your are now perched in front of the computer hitting the search engines with a purpose. You hit all the golf sites researching the price of golf clubs, golf shoes, golf bags, tees, golf balls, and Lord forbid we would forget the lucky golden golfing glove of champions. Oh man you got it bad, dude. Yep, but what the heck, you needed another hobby right?
So you are hooked on the game of golf and it is still fun and then the "reality" there is more to this game than just trying to see how far you can hit the little white ball. It has become a game of precision, control, stratagies and total composure. You have now earned the right to use the golf vocabulary. You use phrases like I bogied the forth hole, I birdied the sixth hole, I eagled the thirteenth and got a hole in one on the eighteenth. You are shooting the high 70s and then right out of the blue it happens. For some reason you just peaked out. You start asking around if anyone else ever experienced this type of trauma. You try everything your peers suggested and you even get worse at the game of hit and miss golf. Is it your golf stance or your swing technique at the tee. Why is it you can not get anymore distance out of your drive? Why are you hooking left or slicing right? Do you need to stand behind the ball or in front of the ball to get lift and distance? Maybe it is your weight distribution during you swing. Guess what your buddies are not going to tell you their secretes to how they beat the golf socks off you every time you play. Hey, don't worry, you are not the only golfer that has rowed that boat. Every person that has played the game has kicked their golf balls, bent their drivers, punished their putters, even tore up the grass at one time or more. You are not alone. So if you are the one that keeps getting the golf balls handed to him/her on a silver platter more often than not? Well don't give up on that desire to be a winner. There is enough information on the subject of playing pro golf that you could do research from now to end of man. I will save you a lot of time researching, take my word for it I have found the ultimate guide to playing golf. And it comes with a gaurantee. This e-guide is for the beginner and the unteachable know it all too. I have been able to improve my game over thirty percent in one season. I don't get to play that much anymore and if it helped me that much think what it can do for you. If you are already good then you can be playing like a golf pro in no time. So if you want these kind of results or even better results than I had, do yourself a favor and invest in your game. I want to tell you a little bit about the darkside of golf. Just read on even if you think you are the pro that needs no help at all. I have news for you too. You have got to get this E-book now while it is available. It is the beginners guide to becoming a pro and the pros guide to becoming a better pro. Clink on the link below now, you have nothing to loose. It is gauranteed.
Success with Golf Pro Club