What Grows in the Dirt and Is Worth Hundreds As a Food May Surprise You!
When we think of mushrooms we may conjure up fears of being poisoned by some unknown tuberous growth from the ground or even beneath the surface, buried in dirt.
There are a wide variety of plants that fall into the mushroom category but one of the most treasured, most prized is the truffle.
They are collected and sold as a food, a medicine, and as an aphrodisiac, all demanding a high price and are enormously popular.
And what one person sees as a growth that appears to be some horrible warty round and totally unappealing item another may absolutely salivate over and crave as a gourmet food item.
Truffles are the guilty pleasure in many diets What is special about the truffle is the fact it has a rare flavour that is either appreciated or despised with very little middle ground.
And those who do crave the amazing truffle consider it to be a rare delicacy, something of high value.
And it most definitely is something special because really good truffles are often difficult to find.
Specially trained dogs and even female hogs are used in many cases just to find the location of this underground growth.
The female hog is used because they evidently relate the truffle to a male swine's sexual attractant.
Dogs are generally easier to work with because they will smell out the delicacy and then willingly trade their find for a treat from the handler while hogs will often simply eat what they dig up so must be watched closely so the treasure can be snatched away before it is devoured.
Truffle oil is highly prized in gourmet recipes The truffle can be found in either liquid or solid form but it is the oily liquid that is so highly prized as an added attraction to many gourmet recipes.
A little goes a long way is an expression that fits truffle oil quite well and chefs know that among the various flavours of truffle oil some are preferred because they have a more delicate flavour.
But when purchasing this luxurious commodity for use in the home kitchen beware of fraud! Some oils touted to be truffle oil are actually some form of much cheaper olive oil instead.
There is a truffle vodka which is available that has been infused with oil found in a type of truffle known as a black Perigord truffle and is used for an alcoholic drink or infused into recipes by chefs who prefer it over more typical vodka or other spirits.
As a starter try out Truffle Butter Many who are not exactly sure if they will like truffles in their food begin with adding some truffle butter to their diet.
Grate some fresh truffle pieces (finely) then add to unsalted and softened butter.
As truffles are heat sensitive the flavour and aroma will bloom, creating an irresistible odour when combined with baked potatoes, French bread, or even spread on top of crackers.
Truffled Eggs for your gourmet breakfast or snack Eggs absorb odours through their shell so you can put truffle flavouring into them without first cracking.
Simply place several whole eggs into a plastic bag along with one or two medium size truffles and seal the bag shut.
Store in the refrigerator for two or three days then remove the eggs and use them in recipes such as scrambled eggs or omelets.
The truffles can then be used for other dishes.
There are a wide variety of plants that fall into the mushroom category but one of the most treasured, most prized is the truffle.
They are collected and sold as a food, a medicine, and as an aphrodisiac, all demanding a high price and are enormously popular.
And what one person sees as a growth that appears to be some horrible warty round and totally unappealing item another may absolutely salivate over and crave as a gourmet food item.
Truffles are the guilty pleasure in many diets What is special about the truffle is the fact it has a rare flavour that is either appreciated or despised with very little middle ground.
And those who do crave the amazing truffle consider it to be a rare delicacy, something of high value.
And it most definitely is something special because really good truffles are often difficult to find.
Specially trained dogs and even female hogs are used in many cases just to find the location of this underground growth.
The female hog is used because they evidently relate the truffle to a male swine's sexual attractant.
Dogs are generally easier to work with because they will smell out the delicacy and then willingly trade their find for a treat from the handler while hogs will often simply eat what they dig up so must be watched closely so the treasure can be snatched away before it is devoured.
Truffle oil is highly prized in gourmet recipes The truffle can be found in either liquid or solid form but it is the oily liquid that is so highly prized as an added attraction to many gourmet recipes.
A little goes a long way is an expression that fits truffle oil quite well and chefs know that among the various flavours of truffle oil some are preferred because they have a more delicate flavour.
But when purchasing this luxurious commodity for use in the home kitchen beware of fraud! Some oils touted to be truffle oil are actually some form of much cheaper olive oil instead.
There is a truffle vodka which is available that has been infused with oil found in a type of truffle known as a black Perigord truffle and is used for an alcoholic drink or infused into recipes by chefs who prefer it over more typical vodka or other spirits.
As a starter try out Truffle Butter Many who are not exactly sure if they will like truffles in their food begin with adding some truffle butter to their diet.
Grate some fresh truffle pieces (finely) then add to unsalted and softened butter.
As truffles are heat sensitive the flavour and aroma will bloom, creating an irresistible odour when combined with baked potatoes, French bread, or even spread on top of crackers.
Truffled Eggs for your gourmet breakfast or snack Eggs absorb odours through their shell so you can put truffle flavouring into them without first cracking.
Simply place several whole eggs into a plastic bag along with one or two medium size truffles and seal the bag shut.
Store in the refrigerator for two or three days then remove the eggs and use them in recipes such as scrambled eggs or omelets.
The truffles can then be used for other dishes.