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Forget the Law of Attraction Use the Law of Creation

On numerous occasions I see the law of attraction presented like in is a mail order system.
You place your order with the universe and the universe fulfils the order.
The very name law of attraction suggests what you want is already out there just waiting to be pulled in.
Presented in this way it reduces your role in the process to that of a passive order placer.
I believe this is why so many have had little or no success using the law of attraction.
What the law of attraction is really about is the belief that you can create your own reality.
You are active it the process of making it happen.
It is the thoughts you hold in you mind and the beliefs that are embedded deep within you, that determine what reality you manifest.
This is why it is not as simple as a lot of people who push the law of attraction would have you believe and why lots of people who are following the mail order model are not achieving the results they hope for.
I think we should rename the law of attraction, the law of creation.
So to restate you have the life you have because of the thoughts you think every day and the thoughts you have come from the beliefs you hold both consciously and unconsciously, about what you can or cannot achieve.
Think about all the times that little voice inside your head is bombarding you with worrying thoughts, put downs, your not good enough to do this or that.
It is no good having a vision board or visualising for a few minutes a day if you hold limiting beliefs that you can not achieve these goals flooding your mind with negative thoughts the rest of the day.
What you need to do is make the law of creation work for you.
First you must know what you want.
To fix your thoughts on a desired outcome you must first know what the desired outcome is.
You need to take some time on this step.
Ask yourself why you want this outcome, what will it give you.
Often there is a deeper need we are looking to fulfil.
You need to know how you will feel when you have achieved your outcome and how you will know you have achieved it.
You them at as many times as you can throughout the day keep directing your thoughts to the outcomes.
Talk or visualise or simple feel as if you have already achieved you goals..
Feel gratitude for want you are saying you have achieved and feel the enthusiasm for your new life style.
You need to be open to new opportunities that take you towards your desired outcome.
You will only achieve your desired outcome by taking action.
If you keep visualising your outcome your unconscious mind will find your ways of achieving it, but you must act on the insights it presents.
If you find yourself having negative thoughts, telling you that you cannot achieve your outcome for whatever reason, gently say to yourself, you are wrong this is a new me, I create my future.
Above all be patient, you are learning a new skill and it will take a little time.
Once the skill is mastered you will be amazed how it will transform your life.
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